00:00:48 ForeverNoob[m]: your tx is not in my mempool, I just checked 00:00:58 oldest tx is 1 minute old 00:01:48 Those double-spend errors also seem to appear immediately after sending the tx, so that would kinda make sense. 00:02:34 restore from seed and send from my node 00:02:43 everything should work fine, if not then we have to search further 00:06:42 Just wanted to head to bed when I saw this:... (full message at https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/libera.chat/d59935e31e52c503ee22e0aa80b61810d78ec38a) 00:08:09 you can ignore it 00:08:23 assuming you are still connected? 00:08:52 No I wasn't, but afterwards I just switched nodes and it got connected again. 00:09:24 did you select advanced mode? or still simple mode? 00:10:31 selsta2.featherwallet.net:18081 is mine 00:15:53 Yeah I notice that yours does not really throttle all too much and I'm able to process blocks much quicker than other nodes I tried. 08:18:20 selsta: After restoring the seed again I managed to make successful txs. Thanks! 08:23:59 > <@forevernoob:matrix.org> Heh, a funny story about that...... (full message at https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/libera.chat/3abbf2083a753d272d2a9af72de411ee0ba1e2f8) 08:27:27 So if you delete `/run/user/1000/doc/6901d12/wallet.keys`, thinking it's a copy of the actual `.keys` file, then that would be a BIG mistake :) 08:29:40 (Because it apparently deletes the original `.keys` file if you delete that file) 08:37:10 "I didn't think there'd be a round in the chamber when I shot him" 08:41:36 Yep, that's why it's always useful to have a backup of that guy or at least be able to restore him from a seed. 14:50:50 "BigmenPixel: is there a specific..." <- flathub/org.getmonero.Monero, but I don't know what I can do with it.