14:18:11 Will the monero gui support M1 macs? 14:19:16 * Will the new Monero GUI support M1 macs anytime soon ? selsta if not, I guess I won't be able to use any of my funds. 14:19:20 in the future yes, currently only when you compile yourself 14:19:30 you can use the intel version fine 14:19:35 selsta: how long in the future? i live off monero 14:19:40 i cant stay too long without being able to use my funds 14:19:45 you can access your funds 14:19:52 m1 macs can use intel programs 14:20:06 so it will still work but just lag a lot? 14:20:12 like whats the difference 14:20:20 it shouldn't be noticeably different 14:20:20 also how long in the future till we get the m1 version 14:20:28 no noticeable lag 14:20:32 Oh really? 14:20:38 so why were people complaining about it on reddit? 14:20:41 if theres no noticeable difference 14:20:47 who complained? 14:20:56 Are there any security risks using the intel version instead of m1 version? 14:21:01 no 14:21:12 I saw someone on reddit complain that the M1 version wasnt available 14:21:17 i thought that the intel version was unusable on m1 14:21:25 or had security risks/huge lag 14:21:44 I've downloaded intel software on my M1 mac and the lag was absolutely insane 14:21:51 so hopefully it will be good for the GUI 14:21:52 wallet scan will likely be 30% slower 14:22:02 Damn, alright 14:22:06 but the UI should not lag 14:22:11 i tested it myself, no lag 14:22:13 So how long until the M1 version comes out ? 14:22:17 kk 14:22:37 how long until the m1 version comes out tho ? selsta 14:22:42 I don't know yet, we have CLI for M1 native now 14:22:55 give me a rough estimate, are we talking a few weeks or a few months? 14:23:13 once I figure out how to do it 14:24:36 Qt didn't make the version open source yet the supports M1 14:24:45 so I have to find a different solution 14:48:06 "Qt didn't make the version..." <- wait so theres currently a version of the monero gui that supports m1 but it's not open source ? lol 14:48:32 i thought you were the only one with luigi that worked on the monero gui 14:48:41 * gui that was made by someone elsethat supports m1 14:48:48 We use the Qt framework for the GUI 14:48:58 Ohhh ok 14:49:00 i have no idea what that is 14:49:09 the version of Qt that officially supports M1 Macs isn't open source yet, they delay source code releases by 1 year 14:49:10 No, I think what selsta was saying is the m1 variant of qt has not been open sourced 14:49:27 So gui is using an old version, that is open source, until the new version source code is released 14:49:47 you can compile the GUI yourself on M1 Macs, just release binaries are a problem 14:49:55 selsta: That makes a lot of sense, thanks for clarifying 14:50:05 selsta: for now ill stick to using the intel version. too much of a headache 17:07:50 "i live off monero" -- bad ass