04:08:44 "they will be released in time..." <- hey seslta im about to download the new Monero GUI. Official link is getmonero.org correct ? Can you link me how to verify the hashes again please? 04:10:33 yes that's the official website, but we don't have v0.18.1.0 released yet in case you want to download that 04:13:27 selsta: im still running the monero GUI version from april 04:13:47 if you have to use Ledger you will still have to wait a bit 04:13:57 it will be released in time before the hardfork 04:13:59 selsta: I literally just downloaded GPG suite right now, I was able to start verifying the hashes. Will you release v0.18.1.0 before the hardfork? 04:14:08 im not using any ledger 04:14:14 Do you recommend waiting for the new version? 04:14:14 ok, then v0.18.0.0 is fine 04:14:28 Ok 04:14:30 v0.18.1.0 is only needed for hardware wallet 04:14:39 selsta: By the way, https://gpgtools.org/ is safe to download right? 04:14:44 opening a wallet is a bit faster with it too 04:14:45 gpg suite safe to download? 04:14:53 but that's not security relevant 04:14:56 i just downladed gpg suite to verify the. hashes right now 04:15:11 ok, yes should be safe to download 04:15:27 The hashes tutorial is asking me to download https://raw.githubusercontent.com/monero-project/monero/master/utils/gpg_keys/binaryfate.asc and save it as binaryfate.asc. whats the command line on the terminal to do that? 04:15:46 selsta: theres a command on the terminal to download but i dont know what it is 04:15:55 its asking to save the page as binaryfate.asc 04:16:14 curl -O 04:16:20 or wget 04:16:25 curl -O with the link? 04:16:28 thats it? 04:16:28 im on mac 04:16:29 yes 04:16:49 where is it saved? 04:17:01 ok i just found it 04:17:03 it got saved on the home folder 04:17:15 have to sleep now 04:17:16 selsta: do you mind staying with me just the time im verifying the hashes and downloading this new version of the gui 04:17:19 xD pls thx 04:17:23 gonna take like 5 seconds i promise 04:17:27 stressfull process 04:18:25 selsta: i typed gpg --keyid-format long --with-fingerprint binaryfate.asc on the terminal and im getting an error 04:18:29 gpg: WARNING: no command supplied. Trying to guess what you mean ...... (full message at https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/libera.chat/6f70ff9b24500ff81a3dfd4d8e895b88ee7b4fbf) 04:20:04 there is no error 04:20:20 looks imported now? 04:21:00 Ok 04:21:08 i typed the command on the terminal and this is what it returned 04:22:29 I just imported the signing key now 04:24:13 lolhaha@lols-MacBook-Pro ~ % gpg --verify hashes.txt... (full message at https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/libera.chat/c1b32ad4d1e960a386144e7c574d45a363e1ec59) 04:24:13 just got this for the hash verification 04:24:35 good signature 04:26:12 im verifying the monero gui file now 04:26:12 lolhaha@lols-MacBook-Pro ~ % shasum -a 256 /Users/lolhaha/Downloads/monero-gui-mac-x64-v0.18.0.0.dmg 04:26:12 c1beab6aa2351a940bfa585d5bff558babb983a8a70600e5166aacf0c47cc2eb /Users/lolhaha/Downloads/monero-gui-mac-x64-v0.18.0.0.dmg 04:26:12 lolhaha@lols-MacBook-Pro ~ % 04:26:16 is this correct? 04:26:30 did i do it right 04:26:32 selsta: 04:27:45 well 04:27:46 If your hash DOES match, then you are finished with the guide! You can extract the files and install. 04:27:48 i think the hashes matches? 04:27:50 am i ready to install 04:27:56 yes 04:27:58 just waiting on your word really selsta 04:28:01 thanks 04:28:01 instlaling now 04:28:08 selsta: will my wallet transfer automatically 04:30:02 wow 04:30:07 magic my wallet transferred automatically 04:30:14 its connecting right now selsta 04:30:17 yay! 04:30:20 let me do a text transaction now 04:30:51 s/text/test/ 04:31:04 tests transaction worked ! wow! amazing work xD selsta amazing wallet sir, thanks for all the work you do on this 04:31:12 s/sir/friend / 04:31:20 * tests transaction worked ! wow! amazing work xD selsta amazing wallet friend , thanks for all the work you do on this, very much appreciated ;) 04:33:32 danielevans[m]: ok nice, updating to v0.18.1.0 should be easy now 04:34:31 thank you so much for your help, and your work on the monero gui, and your work for the monero community, you truly are a gem, the monero community is so lucky to have you around selsta seriously 04:35:59 :) 04:36:05 good night now lol 04:37:01 good night happy dreams :)