01:09:16 .merges 01:09:16 -xmr-pr- 3734 3973 3978 3985 3988 3994 3995 17:15:44 .merge+ 3998 17:15:44 Added 17:15:57 luigi1111w: these also need a merge and then tag 17:16:15 .merges 17:16:15 -xmr-pr- 3734 3973 3978 3985 3988 3994 3995 3998 17:16:15 k 17:23:16 luigi1111w: want to wait 1h and then tag? 17:23:20 waiting for CI first 17:23:34 if you don't have time now is ok too 17:46:52 luigi1111w: found an issue, glad we didn't tag yet :D 17:48:43 .merge+ 3999 17:48:43 Added 17:50:38 :P 17:50:40 can you abort all of these https://github.com/monero-project/monero-gui/actions and then merge 3999? 19:13:18 Does the Intel version on a macos Apple M1 will work? Thanks! 19:13:20 they don't cancel 19:13:24 at least most of them 19:18:14 luigi1111w: it takes a bit until they cancel 19:18:18 mystery88[m]: yes 19:19:17 yeah looks like they did 19:19:49 selsta: :) 19:20:18 mystery88[m]: unless you use macOS 13 beta 19:20:38 I have tha latest version 19:24:41 Can i intall the latest version on top of an older one? 19:24:48 s/intall/install/ 19:24:54 yes 19:27:51 Super! Thanks a lot! 19:59:13 Just installed the Monero GUI latest version and got that while trying to log in 19:59:34 * mystery88[m] uploaded an image: (98KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/FbtMYiPJnIesCnSmJjALZQQc/Screen%20Shot%202022-08-10%20at%203.58.28%20PM.png > 19:59:50 sorry, for Ledger you need v0.18.1.0 together with Ledger app v1.8.0 19:59:56 Did check if there was an update for the ledger with the ledger app and no updates provided 19:59:56 both will be released the next days, in time before the HF 20:00:25 you can continue to use v0.17.3.2 for now or v0.18.0.0 without Ledger 20:00:30 you can use both apps side by side 20:00:43 ok. Thanks! 20:02:21 I did instal the latest on top of the oldest. Glad i dont need to do transactions.... 20:02:51 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-gui/releases/tag/v0.17.3.2 20:02:57 in case you need to do a transaction 20:12:54 Ok! Thank you very much! Much appreciated! 20:17:13 Next time there probably should be a warning 20:17:26 monerobull[m]: where exactly? 20:19:06 selsta: Downloads page or release notes 20:52:08 luigi1111w: good to tag now 22:09:50 ok