18:58:21 Downloaded the monero GUI wallet.....went to restore a wallet from seed.....I'm on the "you're all set up" screen but the "create wallet" is blacked out so I can't proceed. What am I missing? 19:12:41 Comfirmed you have all of the correct words? (25 words) 19:23:03 plowsof @plowsof:matrix.org: any thoughts? 19:30:54 ttill2[m]: Did you set a wallet name? 19:31:34 It appears it accepted my seed without error and yes the wallet has a basic name 19:42:24 Is it a new name? You cannot reuse a wallet name 20:25:53 hm ive never had the button unavailable - usually when there is a filename conflict - it lets me click, then shows an error 20:33:46 OS ttill2? does the info look sane (wallet save dir?)