13:46:20 Simple mode still connects to random nodes ? 13:57:20 well it uses a local daemon in bootstrap mode so indirectly but yeah 14:02:33 "well it uses a local daemon in..." <- And we know about malicious nodes for some time now, why haven’t we removed it ? 14:04:53 Because the UX of having to wait what could be multiple days before seeing incoming transactions outweighs the unlikely scenario that the users privacy is harmed by a malicious node? 14:05:32 monerobull[m]: So we allow malicious nodes to give bad decoys ? 14:05:41 Jeffro was to do some work towards that (a trusted/community node system), but seems he was unable to finish successfully 14:06:14 Why simple node, make users input their remote node if they want to use one 14:06:33 Then everyone just used cakewallet nodes lol 14:06:48 thats what happens typically 14:07:00 People download wallet > use default node 14:07:04 monerobull[m]: Is it worse than connecting to unreliable malicious nodes ? 14:07:30 Centralizing most users to the nodes of one corporate entity located in the USA? 14:07:34 Hell yes it is 14:07:42 Its not good and if it is all centralized to 10 nodes running on 3 vps, yeah, pretty bad 14:08:23 monerobull[m]: And bulk of malicious node are run by some African government 14:08:50 American* 14:08:50 I'd like to see real evidence before saying "throw out remote nodes all together" 14:09:23 We have over over a thousand sybils if you just count lurkinglion 14:09:36 We do know telling everyone to provide their own node will 100% lead to most people connecting to cake nodes 14:09:38 (And include ipv6) 14:09:44 750 just ipv4 (known) 14:09:58 monerobull[m]: You can wait for the evidence and keep ignoring the fact that using random malicious nodes exist on the network 14:10:02 The chance of getting harmed by a malicious node is probably way lower 14:10:36 monerobull[m]: Put a page on getmonero without cake nodes or American IPs if you are so paranoid of cake 14:10:55 Then everyone will just use the node at the top of that list 14:11:04 Cant centralize on cake, imo need to avoid the already known biggest nodes 14:11:13 monerobull[m]: Random listing ? Is it that hard 14:11:20 It's just not a viable approach when you want decentralization 14:11:41 monerobull[m]: Running own node is the only way to be decentralised 14:11:44 Not connecting to some random node 14:12:01 And you can’t even see what node you are connected to 14:12:03 Any use of random nodes should be and has always been discoraged 14:12:03 That's what I do. And my friends connect to my node 14:12:28 monerobull[m]: But you want others to keep using random nodes 😅 14:12:45 Random, not remote 14:12:45 trusted nodes can be remote and not run by you 14:13:02 No, people who seriously need max privacy will know not to use random nodes 14:13:07 Like bull said, friends and family can use my node and trust im not messing around 14:13:36 But if they download gui, they shoulnt auto connect to sybils (or whatever these are) 14:13:37 monerobull[m]: So you want ppl to feel monero is privacy but have default simple mode connecting to some random node 14:13:38 You can't make the UX way worse just because uneducated people won't get max privacy 14:13:52 It's a balance 14:13:53 s/is/has/ 14:14:02 The ux of simple mode is a mistake 14:14:18 monerobull[m]: So you don’t want those uneducated users have privacy ? 14:14:27 Look 14:14:32 As long as nodes dont have to follow consensus rules, any non trusted node should be avoided 14:14:53 Nodes can serve you bad, stale, or even template decoys 14:15:06 The alternative is that the uneducated users say "wtf why doesn't this shit show up in my wallet" and then use Bitcoin or Litecoin or whatever chain where they have zero privacy at all 14:15:26 And thats old news ^ i dont knkw what this current exploit is, but i inagine its notably worse 14:15:44 monerobull[m]: Thats what happens in simple mlde 14:15:52 ofrnxmr[m]: I'm pretty sure enforcing the decoy selection Algo is on the list 14:15:53 monerobull[m]: If they need privacy they will learn & if we want to be lazy and not improve ux than keep this simple mode 14:16:01 A lot of "why wont my wallet sync " and answer is "add selsta2.feather node" 14:16:16 Which means user connected to a bad node 14:16:16 ofrnxmr[m]: Yep lot of complains in telegram 14:16:21 Which is not good 14:16:41 I should never, ever, dox myself accidentally 14:16:58 Telegram is exactly the same situation but worse, people thinking they have privacy but actually no e2ee 14:17:00 Maybe if simple mode was onion only or something, but you connect in the clear to sybils 14:17:57 monerobull[m]: Telegram isn’t used to send some monero payment, we are talking about simple mode where user connects to a random node 14:18:13 some forks, like haven, ship their own node 14:18:21 And as a result, there are like 15 nodes on the entire network 14:18:35 Great. Exactly what we need 14:18:37 Own remote node* 14:18:53 Nodes are run by haven and mining pools 14:19:00 Cake doesnt even run a haven node 14:19:11 monerobull[m]: You force users to manually put remote node or run their own node 14:19:31 That's garbage Ux and people will leave monero for it 14:19:35 If they want tk use a spy node, monero.fail can serve em a list 14:19:36 Way too much friction 14:20:12 monerobull[m]: As if we have millions of users 14:20:21 Or just change the name lf simoke mode to "this ks probably a spy node mode" 14:20:24 Using monero-gui 14:20:27 Most use cake n monerujo 14:20:40 This-is-probably-a-spy-node is a real monero flag