14:40:02 hey there, I found some minor issues with overlapping texts in different translations 14:40:43 can someone recommend a website, where I can share screenshots? 14:41:51 Thanks. Which ones? 14:44:41 if you go to "Restore wallet from keys or mnemonic seed" on the first page the checkboxes "Restore from seed" and "Restore from keys" overlap in the following languages: 14:45:02 Spanish 14:45:02 Croatian 14:45:03 Bahasa Indonesia 14:45:03 Dutch 14:45:04 Polish 14:45:04 Arabic (I guess, for me it's located between Slovensky and Slovenski) 14:45:05 Catalan 14:45:05 Bulgarian 14:45:06 Greek 14:45:10 French 14:45:10 German 14:45:11 Portuguese (PT) 14:45:11 Russian 14:45:12 Finnish 14:45:12 Tamil 14:47:54 and on the third page "Deamon-Settings" the checkbox "Prune blockchain" overlaps with the warning "A blockchain database already exists here. Select a new location to start a pruned node", in German language .. I didn't check for other languages there 14:50:20 Are these overlaps present on windows/mac/linux and different screen resolutions? 14:50:20 and the last thing I noticed, on the last page, where you can check the details of the new wallet, it says "Language of the mnemonic seed: German" even though the seed I entered was in english, but restoring the wallet still worked 14:50:33 linux 14:53:03 screen resolution is 1600:900 and the issue persists when just changing the size of the monero gui with the arrow in the bottom left corner 14:53:30 thank you 17:56:38 Guest69: fixed the seed language bug https://github.com/monero-project/monero-gui/pull/4177 18:04:13 nice thanks ... I'd love to contribute more, but I'm still a noob and don't know the source code well enough