23:40:46 Guys i need your help once more, i have downloaded most of the blockchain i have only like 430000 daemon blocks left to sync but it has made little to no progress in the last 5 hours and i think its gonna take more than 2 weeks to complete the entire process with this speed (i use debian and i have a slow pc with hdd so its obvious). i have an ssd laying around that i can certainly use. how do i transfer the already downloaded data 23:40:46 over to the ssd and continue the download from there cause i think its only gonna take few hours then right ? Thanks in advance. 23:43:49 ALSO, if i have the entire blockchain on the ssd, i can just plug it in and the syncing process will be very fast cause it already has the entire blockchain locally if i use it for another newly made wallet in future ? Thanks in advance.