03:08:58 selsta: Im running an old version of the GUI, version For the first time ever, I just had a bug where the wrong balance was being displayed, then I sent money to an address, it took nearly 50 minutes to get 1 confirmation, and i tried sending another time in between and it allowed me to send monero, but the second transaction i sent never confirmed and its not even showi ng up as cancelled in my transaction. 03:08:58 So after my GUI was showing an incorrect balance for more than 2 hours, I went ahead and clicked on restore height and downloaded the whole restore height again I believe. 03:08:59 It seems like it may be fixed. EIther way, is there something more to this? Could this be dangerous/due to the fact im running an old version 03:09:42 selsta: Im running an old version of the GUI, version For the first time ever, I just had a bug where the wrong balance was being displayed, then I sent money to an address, it took nearly 50 minutes to get 1 confirmation, and i thought it failed so I tried sending another transaction in meanwhile and the GUI allowed me to send the XMR, but the second transaction i sent never confirmed and its not even showing up as cancelled in my transaction. 03:09:43 So after my GUI was showing an incorrect balance for more than 2 hours, I went ahead and clicked on restore height and downloaded the whole restore height again I believe. 03:09:43 It seems like it may be fixed. EIther way, is there something more to this? Could this be dangerous/due to the fact im running an old version 03:11:05 selsta: Im running an old version of the GUI, version For the first time ever, I just had a bug where the wrong balance was being displayed, basically, I sent money to an address, it took nearly 50 minutes to get 1 confirmation, so i thought it failed. I then I tried sending another transaction in meanwhile, but that second transaction never got confirmed and never ende d up showing up in my transactions. 03:11:06 So after my GUI was showing an incorrect balance for more than 2 hours, I went ahead and clicked on restore height and downloaded the whole restore height again I believe. 03:11:06 It seems like it may be fixed. EIther way, is there something more to this? Could this be dangerous/due to the fact im running an old version 03:11:29 selsta: Im running an old version of the GUI, version For the first time ever, I just had a bug where the wrong balance was being displayed, basically, I sent money to an address, it took nearly 50 minutes to get 1 confirmation, so i thought it failed. I then I tried sending another transaction in meanwhile (while the first transaction wasnt' even confirmed yet, yes the GUI allowed me somehow), but that second transaction never got confirmed and never ended up showing up in my transactions. 03:11:30 So after my GUI was showing an incorrect balance for more than 2 hours, I went ahead and clicked on restore height and downloaded the whole restore height again I believe. 03:11:30 It seems like it may be fixed. EIther way, is there something more to this? Could this be dangerous/due to the fact im running an old version 03:11:47 selsta: Im running an old version of the GUI, version For the first time ever, I just had a bug where the wrong balance was being displayed, basically, I sent money to an address, it took nearly 50 minutes to get 1 confirmation, so i thought it failed. I then I tried sending another transaction in meanwhile (while the first transaction wasnt' even confirmed yet, and my m oney was locked), but that second transaction never got confirmed and never ended up showing up in my transactions. 03:11:47 So after my GUI was showing an incorrect balance for more than 2 hours, I went ahead and clicked on restore height and downloaded the whole restore height again I believe. 03:11:48 It seems like it may be fixed. EIther way, is there something more to this? Could this be dangerous/due to the fact im running an old version 03:12:06 selsta: Im running an old version of the GUI, version For the first time ever, I just had a bug where the wrong balance was being displayed, basically, I sent money to an address, it took nearly 50 minutes to get 1 confirmation, so i thought it failed. I then I tried sending another transaction in meanwhile (while the first transaction wasnt' even confirmed yet, and my X MR was locked), but that second transaction never got confirmed and never ended up showing up in my transactions. 03:12:07 So after my GUI was showing an incorrect balance for more than 2 hours, I went ahead and clicked on restore height and downloaded the whole restore height again I believe. 03:12:08 It seems like it may be fixed. EIther way, is there something more to this? Could this be dangerous/due to the fact im running an old version 03:12:11 selsta: Im running an old version of the GUI, version For the first time ever, I just had a bug where the wrong balance was being displayed, basically, I sent money to an address, it took nearly 50 minutes to get 1 confirmation, so i thought it failed. Then, I tried sending another transaction in meanwhile (while the first transaction wasnt' even confirmed yet, and my XM R was locked), but that second transaction never got confirmed and never ended up showing up in my transactions. 03:12:11 So after my GUI was showing an incorrect balance for more than 2 hours, I went ahead and clicked on restore height and downloaded the whole restore height again I believe. 03:12:12 It seems like it may be fixed. EIther way, is there something more to this? Could this be dangerous/due to the fact im running an old version 03:12:19 selsta: Im running an old version of the GUI, version For the first time ever, I just had a bug where the wrong balance was being displayed, basically, I sent money to an address, it took nearly 50 minutes to get 1 confirmation, so i thought it failed. Then, I tried sending another transaction in meanwhile (while the first transaction wasn't even confirmed yet, and my XM R was locked), but that second transaction never got confirmed and never ended up showing up in my transactions. 03:12:20 So after my GUI was showing an incorrect balance for more than 2 hours, I went ahead and clicked on restore height and downloaded the whole restore height again I believe. 03:12:21 It seems like it may be fixed. EIther way, is there something more to this? Could this be dangerous/due to the fact im running an old version 03:13:10 selsta: Im running an old version of the GUI, version For the first time ever, I just had a bug where the wrong balance was being displayed, basically, I sent money to an address, it took nearly 50 minutes to get 1 confirmation, so i thought it failed. Then, I tried sending another transaction in meanwhile (while the first transaction wasn't even confirmed yet, and my XM R was locked), but that second transaction never got confirmed and never ended up showing up in my transactions. 03:13:10 So after my GUI was showing an incorrect balance for more than 2 hours, I went ahead and clicked on restore height, and it basically refreshed the wallet I think. Made me redownload the whole block height again. 03:13:11 It seems like it may be fixed. EIther way, is there something more to this? Could this be dangerous/due to the fact im running an old version 03:13:23 selsta: Im running an old version of the GUI, version For the first time ever, I just had a bug where the wrong balance was being displayed, basically, I sent money to an address, it took nearly 50 minutes to get 1 confirmation, so i thought it failed. Then, I tried sending another transaction in meanwhile (while the first transaction wasn't even confirmed yet, and my XM R was locked), but that second transaction never got confirmed and never ended up showing up in my transactions. 03:13:24 So after my GUI was showing an incorrect balance for more than 2 hours, I went ahead and clicked on restore height, and it basically refreshed the wallet I think. Made me redownload the whole block height again. 03:13:25 It seems like it may now be fixed. EIther way, is there something more to this? Could this be dangerous/due to the fact im running an old version 03:13:27 selsta: Im running an old version of the GUI, version For the first time ever, I just had a bug where the wrong balance was being displayed, basically, I sent money to an address, it took nearly 50 minutes to get 1 confirmation, so i thought it failed. Then, I tried sending another transaction in meanwhile (while the first transaction wasn't even confirmed yet, and my XM R was locked), but that second transaction never got confirmed and never ended up showing up in my transactions. 03:13:28 So after my GUI was showing an incorrect balance for more than 2 hours, I went ahead and clicked on restore height, and it basically refreshed the wallet I think. Made me redownload the whole block height again. 03:13:28 It seems like it may now be fixed. EIther way, is there something more to this? Could this be dangerous/due to the fact im running an older version of the GUI? 03:14:17 Keep in mind im on macos running the intel version on an ARM mac. selsta 04:26:48 Please dont ping s_elsta repeatedlty 04:27:28 - 50 mins til 1 confirmation = network hashrate dropped recently / bad luck 04:28:27 what do you mean By "incorrect balance" 04:29:24 Assuming you had 2xmr and successfully sent 1xmr, full balance would show 1xmr (perhaps with some or all of it locked) 04:30:30 The second transaction failing sounds like a node issue. Are you using simple mode, a local node, or a trusted remote node? 04:30:30 is simple mode, theres a good chance the second tx failed to relay 04:31:59 while 18.0.0 might be fine, you should be running at least version 18.2.2 04:34:28 not_thankful_for_today: pin ping ping 04:34:32 not_thankful_for_today: 04:35:39 (dont use simple mode) 04:44:09 Which mode are you using ? 05:53:32 polar9669: try to avoid the reply function 05:53:43 Especially for long messages like that 05:56:42 (and i only asked 2 questions: "what does incorrect balance mean?" And "are you using simple mode, a local node or a trusted remote node) 05:56:42 Likely problem: bad node in simple mode 05:56:42 solution: dont use simple mode 09:23:41 please tell me which module can be used to develop monero graphical interfaces in python 3? 09:32:53 For the monero part, there is the python RPC bindings in utils/python-rpc. Those are a one to one binding over wallet and daemon RPC. 09:33:22 There's also a python lib somewhere in github.com/monero-ecosystem (IIRC) that's a bit higher level AFAIK. 10:12:38 how to program in monero 1.1.1 module where to get information for beginners? 10:27:02 I don't think we have any step-by-step introduction to Monero programming using Python and RPC, with code samples, tutorials and all the nice things one could wish for 10:27:59 I am afraid you will have to puzzle together quite a number of things yourself 23:07:33 simple 23:08:49 Switch to advanced mode and use remote node if you are unable to run your own localnode, simple node connects to random nodes and some of these malicious in nature 23:13:49 yeah i am aware 23:14:06 i was just asking selsta directly because hes always been extremely helpful whenever i asked for help 23:14:25 i wonder if selsta is still active here? 23:22:49 yes, very active, here, there, everywhere. at first glance it looked like your problem was solved, was it indeed a node issue?