08:41:46 Hello "Devs". I use quoatation marks because I code and am not a dev but the stuff I make ALWAYS seem to be better than the professionals and it's starting to get on my nerves. 08:41:48 The monero GUI is stupid, why am I required to create a new wallet? I want to create view only wallets - NOT a new wallet just for the sake of using the application. Stupid design. 08:41:50 Why is the thing I want to do never catered for?! 08:41:52 Is the CLI less annoying than this? 08:41:54 This is the instruction from getmonero.org: "If you have access to the existing wallet, open your wallet and go to Settings > Wallet > Create a view-only wallet". 08:41:56 Firstly, what does "open your wallet" mean? I DO NOT HAVE A WALLET TO OPEN, THEY ARE ALL FREEZING COLD WALLETS YOU RETARDS. DO I OPEN A NEW WALLET? DO I HAVE TO COMPROMISE MY COLD WALLET? WHICH IS IT? IS MY VIEW WALLET THEN LINKED TO THE NEW WALLET I HAD TO GENERATE, if it is, that is unbelievably stupid design. 08:41:58 The next thing your genius website says: "The view-only wallet file will be created within the same directory and using your current password." SAME DIRECTORY AS WHAT? COULD THIS BE ANY MORE STUPID? Same directory as the wallet I forced to generate to create the view only wallet? WHO MADE THIS? 08:42:02 The documentation says: "The view only wallet will be created with the same password as the current wallet." HOW STUPID IS THAT? Double caps: WHO THOUGHT THIS WAS ACCEPTABLE DESIGN???????? 08:50:01 If you're so genius dev, go ahead and make a pull request https://github.com/monero-project/monero-gui/pulls 09:03:22 <3​21bob321:monero.social> calm your farm 09:17:38 And there it is, I have to do it myself don't I? 09:17:41 FINE. 09:17:50 FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. 09:18:29 AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 10:07:16 years ago there was something called "rage quit", good old times. 10:24:07 If you want people here to do it for you, maybe ask more nicely? Or better, donate to a CCS from vthor who's working on it now? 11:06:12 Hello "Devs" [continued] is the perfect introductory message /quote worthy 11:07:39 <3​21bob321:monero.social> They identify as devs? 11:10:57 for the gui you create a wallet from keys and refrain from entering a spend key and viola, a view-only wallet 11:11:53 theres even a guide stormepurple https://www.getmonero.org/resources/user-guides/view_only.html (any issues please mention them and they can be fixed) 11:16:45 BEEP BEEP BEEP, wrong but you got me to check out the "Restore Wallet" option and it's there! 11:16:57 I can create a view only wallet! 11:17:53 wow 11:18:15 next time you find a random youtube video tutorial.... lol have a nice day 11:18:32 Thank you thank you. 11:21:02 So I need to read all the documentation and then have a "random youtuber" give me the actual explanation. You're trying to insult me but your insulting yourself inadvertently. 11:32:39 This is the line from the "View Only Wallets" guide: "If you have access to the existing wallet, open your wallet and go to Settings > Wallet > Create a view-only wallet". 11:32:40 Now there is an issue here: It says "open your wallet", MY WALLET IS COLD I'M NOT OPENING IT HERE AND SO THIS INSTRUCTION DOES NOT MAKE SENSE. WHAT WALLET IS IT THAT I AM SUPPOSED TO OPEN? 11:32:42 The second issue is that "Restore Wallet" is able to CREATE VIEW ONLY WALLETS. This is not mentioned ANYWHERE unless a user perchance opened it thinking that it was possible. 11:32:44 So there is nothing wrong with the program, the guides are both wrong and lacking as pointed out above. 12:02:18 We have a PR requested by rucknium open with "or create new" iirc 12:02:55 Perhaps some extra edits could go in there 13:23:52 looking forward to some really good PRs from storme 14:34:22 What is a "PR"? 15:09:26 pull request on git, means you fork the repository, make the changes and "give" that changes as a PR to the repository you have forked so that a person who owns or have access can if wanted merge your code into the existing or developing code. (maybe shouldn't answer because I'm waking up and can't see and think properly yet) 15:47:16 creating a wallet means generating new private keys, if you already have the view key you have to restore the wallet 16:29:16 .merge+ 4328 16:29:16 Added 16:56:26 stormepurple: The way to contribute code to an open-source projects. Stands for "pull request". That's dev lingo for "Here I have some code, can you please review and then pull that into production code"