22:26:49 Hi everyone, I'm currently in master's in Computer Science and I have already some knowledge regarding how blockchains work and have worked with some on code reviews. I have been very interested in the Monero project and wanted to start contributing to the project. In terms of C skills I'm probably a little below average but hoping to improve. Regarding the issues on Github is any 22:26:50 one open to start solving issues and opening PRs for those? How does the contribution process usually work? Nice to meet you all 22:31:58 What do you mean by "is anyone open" 22:33:02 Greetings* 22:34:15 Monero is a community developed project, so if you see any issues or PR's that are in your area of expertise, feel free to solve or review them, respectively 22:35:05 There are various Workgroups for discussing any issues or PRs, if you're ever unsure of something 22:35:59 This room here is for the Monero GUI wallet. There is Monero Dev for the CLI software. 22:38:32 Isn't the CLI software closed to just a handful of developers? 22:40:26 No 22:40:39 All of monero is community developed