05:13:42 can anyone help me or point me to where i can get help on an issue. i installed and am running a monero node on linux mint. when i initially set it up i copied the blockchain data from another computer using rsync. after a few days of running the node, i noticed the 500 gb hard drive of the computer was nearly full and now see that there are two copies of the blockchain, one i 05:13:42 n /home and another in /var. the /var one seems to be the active one, as it is dated later and is slightly larger. can anyone help explain why this happened and what i should do? 05:40:34 Assuming the rsync db is a third one, it;s likely you did not copy the db to where monerod expected it, so it synced a fresh one. 05:41:02 monerod expects it in ~/.bitmonero, unless overridden by --data-dir. 05:58:24 prob using seths guide which changes datadir to var 05:58:28 https://sethforprivacy.com/guides/run-a-monero-node-advanced/#install-monerod-systemd-script 06:16:29 Yes I used seths guide. Should I just delete the one in /home? 08:35:52 yes 14:27:40 another issue i'm having is my onion address, which worked initially, has stopped working. i can't connect to it on feather wallet, and when i try onionaddress.onion/get_info on tor browser, nothing loads. i reran the tor installation commands from seth's guide. how can i troubleshoot this? 14:45:03 hi am new here , i used changenow to transfer my usdt to xmr but i still didnt get reflected with xmr in my gui wallet ...... can someone helpme out 14:51:52 Is your wallet synced? 14:51:53 Bottom left corner 14:53:25 i used remote node and it shows wallet synced 14:56:05 Did the service provide you with a transaction hash / ID for the Monero transaction? 14:57:44 yea they have given me the txn hash 15:09:40 Where did you find the remote node? 15:11:16 If the wallet is synced to a "good" node, and the tx has been sent, the xmr should appear in the wallet within seconds 15:12:25 A) inserted the wrong address 15:12:26 B) connected to a "bad" node 15:13:06 i made the transaction before i coonected to any node 15:13:31 the adress is correct as i just copy pasted 15:14:06 There are attacks/viruses that will hijack your clipboard 15:15:23 ahhhhh , what can do now ?? 15:16:03 80ebe48f62c4b6febc79863dec8855c8ece919edfeb7fbd78b880e86cd9ebfb2 15:16:06 this was the txn hash provided 15:34:03 It has 53 confirmations 15:34:29 The tx should be in your wallet 15:35:24 yea but it didnt , 15:35:39 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/JONQVEzkGCZNXFQdUieEuOzO 15:35:51 my wallet adress is correct too 15:36:18 Have you tried close > reopen gui? 15:37:24 yeah i have tried it many times 15:49:53 Theres a setting somewhere in GUI to "scan tx" 15:50:02 If you can find that, enter the txid there 15:52:32 note: if the remote/local node is garbage it wont work https://web.getmonero.org/resources/user-guides/scan-txid.html 15:56:57 thanks brother it got reflected 15:57:08 thanks for your time bro it got reflected 15:58:44 aperechnev: how far is your migrate to Qt6 effort? 20:11:11 <3​21bob321:monero.social> https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/1fe2bzl/why_wont_my_monero_gui_wallet_automatically_update/ 20:37:00 i think i figured out what is going on. if i enter command monerod, it creates a .bitmonero folder and starts re-syncing a new blockchain. however, if i enter systemctl start monerod, it uses the blockchain in the /var folder 20:37:38 i think i figured out what is going on. if i enter command monerod, it creates a .bitmonero folder and starts re-syncing a new blockchain. however, if i enter systemctl start monerod, it uses the blockchain in the /var folder. confusing for a beginner like me 20:39:22 that sounds right. if you're manually launching it with parameters different than those in the systemd unit file, or whatever it's called, you'll get different results 20:52:09 3​21bob321: auto updater works here, must be something on their system 20:53:31 yes confirmed on linux 20:54:02 i have forgot the location where the download is written to 20:54:34 write to default dir -> file dialogue opens and asks to save somewhere 21:18:04 what is the reason to use monerod with systemctl vs without? 21:26:58 access control , and restart it when it crashes. lets say theres an exploit where i gain the same read/write access as your monerod process on your machine - systemD is meant to only give me/monerod access to certain files/folders and not everything... just a small example. alot of people dont like systemd , im just sharing the intention of it 21:32:00 got it, thanks for the explanation. what about docker - what's the reason to use that vs systemd? i set up a monero node using docker on another machine, and have a similar issue where there appears to be multiple blockchains. i've been finding it very challenging to access and navigate the file systems within docker containers. just wondering what pros/cons docker has over systemd 21:32:38 got it, thanks for the explanation. what about docker - what's the reason to use that vs systemd? i set up a monero node using docker on another machine, and have a similar issue where there appears to be multiple blockchains. i've been finding it very challenging to access and navigate the file systems within docker containers so i can get rid of the redundant blockchain. just 21:32:38 wondering what pros/cons docker has over systemd 21:33:00 got it, thanks for the explanation. what about docker - what's the reason to use that vs systemd? i set up a monero node using docker on another machine (using seth's guide also), and have a similar issue where there appears to be multiple blockchains. i've been finding it very challenging to access and navigate the file systems within docker containers so i can get rid of the r 21:33:00 edundant blockchain. just wondering what pros/cons docker has over systemd 21:37:36 a bad explination of docker: main advantage is it has the lowest barrier of entry, you just install, and run something, and it works. its a container / seperated from your system (which handles the access control stuff) if you dont like it, poof, delete it, gone. docker is also extendible , like adding lego blocks to the file. e.g. you can add 21:37:36 watchtower, which checks if everythings ok and restarts if broken (achieving all of the benefits of systemd) . now . here is the problem : low barrier of entry for noobs means when something goes wrong, they have no idea what theyre using or where to get logs, and the person helping you is required to know all about it. it jut slows everything down 21:37:36 when theres a problem 22:54:17 Got it thanks. I'm thinking I should forget about the docker node and stick with systemd since it seems easier to troubleshoot 23:34:39 I just use cron & bash