11:34:42 During Monero Gui installation when I chose the advance mode the node will be downloaded on my computer disc . 11:34:42 Can I downloaded that on the external drive ? I do not have 250GB free space on my computer fot the node right now . 11:36:50 Change the storage location 11:36:53 Could someone explain in few words what the node does ? What is it for ? 11:37:30 I see. So there is no problem to run the node on external drive ? 11:38:02 It stores and verifies the history of the network and relays transsctions 11:39:48 No problem with it being external. An ssd is preferred as an hdd will be slow. 11:44:02 I see. Thank you for explanation what the node is and what it does. 11:44:02 I think on this time I need to use a HDD external drive until I find out how I can use the SSD internal drive. For now SSD has not enough space . 11:44:31 you can also find the --prune option, whic will reduce the need from 250gb to almost 1/3rd 11:45:31 there might be a checkbox setting somewhere in the GUI, but if not: https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/11454/how-do-i-utilize-blockchain-pruning-in-the-gui-monero-wallet-gui 12:18:55 external drive is slower than internal and an HDD is very slow for downloading the blockchain due to it being poor with random I/O 12:19:21 see you in a month or 2 0_o 12:41:26 Even with prune option there is not enough space on SSD drive. 12:49:56 So the best is to have the node on an internal drive. I see. I need to find a solution then for my computer back up as the back up fills up my SSD drive right now . 12:52:56 an external SSD should not be too bad, depends on the interface 12:53:05 an HDD is bad for initial sync but will keep up once synced without issue 12:53:44 having an HDD on external gave me a visceral reaction :D 13:24:44 I see. I need to find a solution for my computer back up then to get SSD internal drive free space. 13:25:04 Best is use an ssd, whether internal or external 13:38:57 Could you please explain it to me in few words why is that ? What is the difference between SSD and HDD that SSD is better ,faster , more reliable then HDD ? Is it because HDD do not have the same mechanism which moves the disc itself ? I am just guessing ? 13:42:23 "HDD is very slow for downloading the blockchain due to it being poor with random I/O" 13:42:50 (Thx nioc) 13:43:42 aiui, lmdb (the database) does a lot of ramdom i/o 14:01:40 Ok . Thanks . Now I know what you mean by random I/O : 14:01:40 https://condusiv.com/sequential-io-always-outperforms-random-io-on-hard-disk-drives-or-ssds/ 14:01:42 Thank you . 14:01:44 So actually I could have Externall SSD which will be almost the same speed and performance for Monero Gui Node as internal SSD drive ? 14:01:46 Do I understand it right ? 15:17:35 not sure what the difference between an internal vs external SSD is but it will be significantly faster than a HDD 16:03:45 Internal usually means it's connected directly to the motherboard thru an m.2 or SATA connection, for example. External usually means that it's connected by some detachable connection like USB 18:15:05 -xmr-pr- elibroftw opened issue #4410: [Bug] [Windows] Reopening a Minimized Window that was once Maximized 18:15:05 -xmr-pr- > https://github.com/monero-project/monero-gui/issues/4410 19:00:13 Yes that is what I mean . I can not connect another SSD internally as there is no more slots so maybe I could have another SSD outside . ..... but please be aware I am just thinking loud . I just have a general knowledge about it all and trying to find a solution the best in my case . 19:00:14 Maybe I can bay a bigger SSD for internal use and replace the older 1TB one . That would be probably better but it is costly . At this moment I need to count unfortunately each penny . 19:01:44 You can also just get a usb enclosure for an extra internal one 19:06:26 You mean SSD witch is connected to the computer but from outside by usb slot and it is cover by enclosure ? Right ? 19:07:15 Yea 19:17:02 Let me ask you about this. I wonder what do you think : 19:17:04 How to buy Monero without KYC ? I need to pay for some service and they accept Bitcoin. ... and I really would like to start to use Monero . For now it is slow process of setting up all I need for this kind of transactions. I have been trying with MetaMask wallet and I have been shocked that I had to give them my private sensitive information about myself which actually made this 19:17:06 process exactly opposite to anonymity . I always thought crypto is anonymous but now I know it is not and most of it probably it is a scam to make us used to digital cash controlled by the same who control monetary system since millennia and enslave human beings on this planet . 19:17:08 Hopefully Monero is not . 19:37:56 https://kycnot.me/?t=exchange&q=&xmr=on&fiat=on 19:38:08 also robosats supports XMR since when! how I have not heard this 19:59:38 robosats has an irc channel? 20:02:28 Thank you . I try to find out how to make no KYC transaction over there .