20:27:10 Hi. I'm hoping someone can help me. I finally attempted to set up my own wallet with Monero GUI. I had set it to run a local node. It seemed like everything was going fine but the syncing seemed to freeze after a few hours. I decided to restart it by closing the node/wallet, deleting the database file and restarting. Again, it seemed to work at 20:27:11 first and then froze. I have let it sit for 2 days and the remaining blocks have only increased. This is on Windows over VPN saved to an SSD. What do I need to do to get the wallet synced? 20:30:20 What version of monero wallet gui are you using? How much spare disk space do to have? Anything in the info / log file? 20:34:25 I know the version for certain, but it should be the most recent (18 something). I have over 150gb available on the SSD and the DB only got up to 50-60gb. There's a lot of info on the logs but I don't know what to make of it. 20:51:26 Paste them (logs) into www.zerobin.net 20:53:07 https://www.zerobin.net/?0b2b58d007a8dfab#FwwhXo3OaOtLsOVz3MXll0Xtjq07l08VtmQo2GuBm8Y= 20:55:56 A lot of this is due to the wallet trying to connect to a blockchain that is not synced 20:56:14 This other log was too big so I just copied from the last few synced items. 20:56:15 https://www.zerobin.net/?9be83a24c7042f15#aFPgtYZfghq26O28D0yWBwSpD6JAIQngFntKkyZ6Ikk= 20:56:25 Try to run monerod binary without the gui open and adjust log-level accordingly to see why its crashing 20:56:48 So how do I sync a wallet that's not synced? What am I doing wrong on my end? 20:57:16 Its possible that 20:57:16 - this is an issue with windows using compression on the folder containing the database 20:57:18 - youve run out of storage 20:57:32 The errors here look like a corrupted blockchain 20:57:34 Try to disable compression on the blockchain folder and try to sync again 20:58:56 Do you know how much space I'll ultimately need? This is being saved on a secondary drive but I could use my C drive which has over 500gb left if that might be more likely to work. 21:02:02 Also, since I'm up against my data cap until the 1st. Would I be able to copy the current database file and continue with that or do I need to start from scratch again (assuming it's just a compression/drive issue)? 21:02:49 need? 95gb. Ideally at least 2x that for long term 21:02:50 This is assuming that youre using GUI's default (which is to prune the blockchain) 21:03:36 If you dont prune, minimum ~220gb 21:04:44 Yeah, pretty sure I'm going pruned. So I should have enough space on the current drive but I'll check to see if Windows is suppressing it then.