08:25:59 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/TkBNMNJgmWhcNhknmgZIJXUf 08:27:05 Still a long way to go . Unfortunately I have noticed sometimes my VPN disconnects and it is not connecting back automatically .I will need to find out why is doing that .So even since few days computer is running day and night I still have that much to go .The other thing is that whole synchronization itself is extremely slow . 08:50:49 Are you using an ssd it hdd? 08:51:34 or* hdd 09:03:07 ssd 15:27:54 What would be a name of the main folder for this location? I can not find it ? 15:39:22 if a hidden folder in your home directory 15:40:03 It's* 15:40:31 Nvm,looks like yours is here 15:55:43 Yes , before I could find it there but after my friend was helping me here with computer he has change something and I can not find it . 16:02:33 Ok .I have found it . Show the hidden files was off . Thank you for a tip. 16:04:41 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/ZZxfaJvMRmMURfryvmXVvsyt 16:07:14 I really do not know why synchronizing process is so slow . With this progress it will take one more week to finish that .Today I think it is a day five since I have started : 18:46:30 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/pMFDepGlIGEboOMkvovriRcU 18:48:09 Hopefully some day in the future the synchronization will be completed. In the mean time to learn how to pay with the Gui wallet I have a question : 18:48:10 I can see to send Monero I need two parameters : address and amount . 18:48:12 Why then on the merchant page I can see three parameters : 19:44:29 ninoni are you ok? Left us on a cliff hanger there 19:46:27 What you mean by that ? 20:06:12 The "payment link" should fill in the address and amount on supported wallets 20:13:28 Yes it works . Thank you for explanation . 20:17:20 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/vPUYnfZOlZNJFtdeAdWjsXdE 20:19:46 ... I can see another method of payment with Monero available on the merchant web page is to pay by : Open in Wallet . When I click on that it opens another web browser window which stays empty.I wonder why it is not connecting real Gui Wallet app which runs and it is open? : 20:43:26 What operating system are you using ninomi? Your computer has to associate that 'open in wallet' burron (which is like a link) with a specific program on your computer (monero gui) in this case 20:43:42 Button* 20:46:21 I don't know if this is set up automatically for people who, for example, install the monero gui on windows with the installer .exe 23:14:50 Ninoni failed to mention that they are looking at a bitcart checkout, not the monero-wallet-gui's merchant page 23:15:32 At least, i _think_ its bitcart 23:17:31 The "open in wallet" is the same as the monero:address link, but (on some operating systems) will open in a monero wallet. Example, if you click that button on your phone, it will try to open in cake, monfluo, or another monero wallet