19:11:59 got my rockpro64 up and running with Armbian 19:12:08 xmrig only 180H/s on 6 threads 19:12:26 not impressive, oh well. it's fine for a 24/7 node 19:15:43 <\x> magnet:?xt=urn:btih:7101c26a2ba10ab2374dcc171f92a443bdc986c5&dn=21996.1.210529-1541.co_release_CLIENT_CONSUMER_x64FRE_en-us.iso 19:15:48 <\x> Windows 11 19:16:02 <\x> i dont have the hashes but i think its fine to try on a VM 23:41:45 finally got a 64bit kernel for my Beelink GT-King too. AMlogic S922X 23:41:57 1 thread 100H/s 23:42:03 2 thread 170H/s 23:42:15 3 thread 188H/s 23:42:31 4 thread 208H/s 23:43:28 5 thread 220H/s 23:44:21 6 thread 220H/s 23:47:32 nothing thrilling, but finally satisfied my curiosity