02:44:58 All these years later, are there still no RandomX ASICs or FPGAs? 02:47:11 we're actually only coming up to the 2 year anniversary of mainnet next week 15:16:06 Yep. And no evidence of ASICs? 15:41:47 might take a while for ASICs to come about - would need someone with AMD's grade of development to produce something ASIC-esque, and would take a heck of a budget 15:49:16 and then they'd have to decide if it makes more sense to mine an obscure digital money or to sell these ASICs to the world as CPUs 15:49:27 because clearly at this point they are undercutting amd, intel etc 15:51:48 most do both... mine for 6 months then sell the kit 15:52:10 "Devices are tested extensively to ensure stable operation" :D 15:53:23 yeah, but if you have tech that unseats amd and intel, u wanna hold onto it and give them more lead time? 15:55:34 Great point 18:11:42 sech1: regarding your reddit reply for the user asking about effort persistence; maybe we could save the current effort % on a graceful exit?