16:44:59 hyc tevador isn't the 2 years anniversary of RandomX tomorrow? 16:45:02 wow 17:00:37 yep 20:09:17 yeah 20:09:43 .barolo time ;) 22:25:15 sech1, any way currently to get individual hashrates of miners based on username from p2pool? 22:28:12 currently no 22:30:31 any way to get individual stats from xmrig-proxy? :) 22:33:11 https://xmrig.com/docs/proxy/management-panels I personally use https://github.com/xmrig/xmrig-proxy/issues/48 22:41:31 ah nice. thanks. 23:27:11 hmmk, all looks workable. I'll see if I can have pi2pool setup by the end of the week :) 23:44:48 sech1, can you think of where abouts in xmrig-proxy I could tweak the source so that it resolves the pool URL every time, or every few minutes?