00:26:38 busyboredom writes "Found out today that you can run your own monero node for free on Oracle's free tier VPSs. They give you 4 cores (ARM), 24GB RAM and 200GB storage with a static IP for free forever. 00:26:38 And yep, monerod runs great on aarch64. " 00:33:12 mining on free VPS will usually get you banned quickly 00:54:38 but a monerod should be fine 00:55:04 a node with 24GB RAM should be nice and responsive for serving wallets 02:37:14 wow 05:25:46 This free tier from Oracle is only free tier if you're paying for some other their service 05:26:24 At least that's what I understand from their site 09:19:47 I'm still not sure they won't charge you eventually if you only use the free tier 15:30:35 im using it, not for anything monero related, and i dont pay to use any oracle services.