05:29:36 5:47 PM I think it still does every time you boot up, don't they all boot up in 8086 mode? 05:29:42 Not a Uefi model 05:30:12 which is what prevents you from installing win7 or whatever on a new garbage computer 05:31:06 Anything Microsoft endorsed is guaranteed to not run anything lower than the windows shipping at the date of manufacture 05:31:17 more generic stuff might play nicer 05:32:12 Linux etc are compatible with either node 05:32:14 Mode* 14:30:59 Did anyone read the DARPA paper recently about how government actors could disrupt Bitcoin/Eth by blocking unencrypted transaction data between nodes via ISPs blocking/filtering traffic? 14:30:59 How susceptible is Monero to such an attack? If the US wanted to nuke Monero from orbit by ordering ISPs to block any packet that looked like a Monero block, would they be able to disrupt the network? 14:32:02 Or if they started blocking the traffic from the largest mining pool nodes to reduce the hashrate so they could 51% attack. 14:33:55 we already support tor and i2p so no, I don't think this is a viable attack. 14:34:28 it might initially reduce the number of nodes, until we make use of tor/i2p a default