15:53:58 Interesting attack on ETH mining https://twitter.com/yaish_aviv/status/1555445520646250496 15:55:21 mine a block with artificially high difficulty and faked timestamp, to keep diff adjust algo from dropping 15:55:47 then proceed to mine many more blocks at lower difficulty than would otherwise be required 16:24:10 no, they want high difficulty to make competing block an uncle (less paying) 16:24:21 and their block taking the full reward 16:31:10 does that mean the attack only works when performed right before a difficulty adjustment? 16:31:28 and diff will adjust, regardless? 16:36:40 from what I read, their diff adjustment works based on timestamp and starting from 9th second after the last block, it starts dropping 16:36:44 very unsecure 16:37:03 so f2pool fakes timestamp to avoid diff drop