20:13:49 hello! I'm mining with multiple PCs pointed to my main one running p2pool & xmrig in my local network 20:14:09 is there a way to see my combined hashrate? maybe in xmrig? 20:14:53 Use xmrig-proxy 20:15:43 Xmrig a/b/c > xmrig-proxy + custom difficulty stats enabled > p2pool 22:20:06 So.. I tried it but because I had on my main pc xmrig (mining) + monerod + p2pool node + xmrig proxy, stuff just kept conflicting with each other 22:20:25 BUT, check this out, you can type "workers" into p2pool 22:20:48 * gonbatfire[m] uploaded an image: (19KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/monero.social/ElqcIlyYSXmfIwpabWZwwgIf/image.png > 22:21:25 So I can just point my machines to my p2pool node, and it just works, nice, thank you anyway! appreciate it 22:22:41 Xmrig proxy, change bind port to something that isnt 3333 22:25:57 Xmrig pool address >> Xmrigproxy bind , pool address >> p2pool stratum 22:28:21 ohh I was missing the p2pool stratum part lol 22:28:44 haha thanks! 22:28:58 https://github.com/xmrig/xmrig-proxy/blob/4e565a3dcba824bc5c4a61105c134ff508be4fed/src/config.json#L17 22:29:01 For xmrig proxy 22:29:13 Change 3333 to 4444 22:30:20 yeah, and then workers connect to MainPC.Local.IP:4444 22:30:26 Yeah 22:30:59 (Or, tp keep it simple) 22:31:19 You can swap. Use 4444 for p2pool and 3333 for xmrig-proxy 22:31:28 Then you wont have to reconfig miners 22:31:56 ah yeah makes sense