02:23:07 holy cow that was 3 years ago 19:22:52 new ASICs to brick? 19:26:01 it might be possible to combine https://github.com/tevador/RandomX/pull/265 with some changes to the VM as a precautionary measure 19:39:44 It's only rumors now. But yep, if we're changing PoW already, might as well change something in the VM. For example, modern CPUs (Zen4) have higher compute/memory latency ratio, so we can make RandomX programs longer without hurting hashrate 21:12:02 ermagerd ppl gonna go apeshit if were talking about a PoW fork again. "bUt mUh eCoSyStEm iS sO cOmPleX" 23:18:45 PoW will fork anyway to get the verification benefits tevador proposed