15:13:44 "The first professional #XMR Miner, pioneering XMR Mining!" - https://nitter.net/BITMAINtech/status/1695783295806775605 16:08:24 > Support RISC-V, Available For Mining Multiple Cryptocurrencies 16:08:42 huh? cluster of RISC-V cores? 16:14:24 if it's real, it's yet another case of for-profit companies exploiting permissive licenses. free software deves should never use anything but GPL-family licenses 16:16:06 oddly the numbers look almost equal to https://github.com/tevador/RandomX/issues/31 doing the math 16:17:12 212000 / 1350 ~= 157 vs 15000 / 95 ~= 157.9 16:18:41 that was an upper bound in efficiency at the time. and yet ryzens are alrady at the 150H/J region 16:32:14 212 kh? So I was right, it's those units that were mining since December 2021 16:32:32 which means this thing isn't any more efficient than current CPUs, so... 16:32:37 And power efficiency is not even impressive 16:32:53 https://api.hashvault.pro/v3/monero/network/nonce/distribution/png?hashrate=true&nonceColor=%23ff6600 16:33:14 those horizontal lines we've noticed after Christmas 2021 and in early 2022 16:33:21 ah right 16:33:32 so they're dumping 2 year old devices :D 16:33:37 2 years of "testing" :D 16:33:42 so they've been at it for at least 2 years, and all they could come up with is barely at parity with AMD 16:33:58 well, 2 years ago they were a bit ahead of best CPUs 16:34:06 now it's on par with tuned Zen4 CPUs 16:34:15 Zen4 EPYCs will be more efficient 16:34:39 yes, but to make an impact they needed to be more than 2x better. that was the threshold for GPUs to still be competitive on ETH 16:34:47 So nothing will change, they're already on the network 16:34:49 and mining 16:34:58 they're nowhere near that threshold 16:36:08 the ad says "multiple cryptocurrencies", so it's not even specialized. It's probably some custom RISC-V chips, but they're just regular CPUs 16:36:23 yep 16:36:41 but that's actually impressive for RISC-V to match AMD efficiency 16:37:10 they probably took some shortcuts 16:37:20 like 2 MB cache per core, but it's not shared between cores 16:37:31 which will save some energy and a ton of area 16:37:37 good point 16:37:55 yeah, plenty of easy optimizations if they don't need to run general workloads 16:38:05 I guess that "whoever designs a randomx chip will help in advancing cpus" is still true but I never expected for riscV :D 16:38:25 lol it kinda makes sense, no licensing restrictions 16:38:26 risc-v only because no need to pay fees 16:38:31 and it was the new hotness already 16:38:37 they didn't want to pay ARM fees :D 16:38:37 :) 16:39:10 all gud as long as they kinda contribute to riscV development iGuess 16:39:13 might be time for me to order a risc-v box from aliexpress 16:39:31 kico: wouldn't hold my breath on that 16:39:43 yeah sure 16:39:57 being optimistic here iGuess 16:40:00 but would be funny to see any bitmaintech names in LLVM/clang/gcc contributions 16:40:01 btw, back in early 2022 those "ASIC" workers we saw, they all had 250-300 kh/s reported hashrate on nanopool 16:40:22 I guess after 2 years of operation, they had to disable some of the units and reduce to 212 kh guarantee 16:40:58 overclocked and died :P 16:42:17 does this mean that "pow fork" is delayed for the time being? 16:42:46 this has no impact on pow decisions 16:42:50 The partial verification changes are useful for other reasons. 16:43:19 sure I mean no need for a "urgent fork" ? 16:43:29 yeah, the double hash to improve verification speed is worthwhile all on its own 16:43:42 I don't think there were any plans for an emergency PoW change 16:44:13 ok cool I got the wrong impression my bad :) 16:45:40 at this point tweaking the algo won't stop anyone, they're obviously using CPUs now so they can just update their firmware 16:46:09 I doubt tweaks will stop these devices, they're proper CPUs from the looks of things 16:46:09 yeah but we should not care about them anyway 16:46:27 the only things we could change that would make a substantial difference would be the on-chip cache requirements, and that would hurt all CPUs as well 16:46:33 moar L3, time to force multi threaded communication and atomics! 16:46:34 of course, we can target tweaks to kill these specific devices 16:46:43 like increase L3 until it exceeds what they have 16:46:58 sure but do we want to ? 16:47:05 No need 16:47:09 not like they're super efficient 16:47:13 Like I said, they've been mining for almost 2 years now 16:47:18 it would be fun to see their 2+ years of effort poof 16:47:25 and they don't have superior efficiency 16:47:36 but anything we did like that would only have a temporary effect 16:47:38 hyc, they already did ROI by now 16:47:49 it's better that we make tweaks that make regular CPUs more efficient 16:47:53 like my CFROUND tweak 16:48:10 it will make Zen4 more efficient than these ASICs 16:48:10 yeah I think we should care for regular users and not jihan 16:53:52 So far, RandomX works as it's been designed. If we do tweaks, we should focus on current and next generation CPUs. 16:54:26 agreed 16:54:45 Ryzen 9 5950X (Zen 3, launch date 2020) is more power efficient than this ASIC. 16:55:44 I doubt they spent any effort on tuning the chips, and all their effort was on cramming a bunch of cores into a single case. 16:55:48 The only question now is the price 16:56:34 I estimate that it would have to cost ~$3500 or less to be worth buying that ASIC over Ryzen CPUs 16:56:46 probably the best contriution they'd make to the world is in their physical build and cooling layout 16:57:37 They have ~2000 of those ASICs mining now 16:58:07 How did you get to that estimate? 16:58:32 judging by the hashrate of that ASIC miner (we know now it was Bitmain) 16:58:47 they have ~17% of the network 16:58:56 so around 400-450 MH/s 16:59:08 Not sure if they ever got their money back :D 16:59:39 all the more reason for them to start selling :P 16:59:42 sech1: sorry, what is your CFROUND tweak? 16:59:59 it's a tweak that changes how often CFROUND instruction is triggered 17:00:18 it can boost Ryzen hashrate by up to 10% without changing anything else in RandomX 17:00:41 is there any link for it? 17:00:49 so we had 10% "free" hashrate all this time 17:01:00 No link, but it was discussed in this channel before 17:03:56 Found it: https://libera.monerologs.net/monero-pow/20230817 17:23:15 hmmm. I wonder - would it be more efficient to add pool support to monerod (so that its internal miner could work with p2pool) or 17:23:47 add hasher rpc to xmrig - so that it could do verification for both monerod and p2pool 17:41:35 so even after all the fuss in the original monero asic war, an asic company *still* decided to build and mine in secret 17:42:52 lol, of course. 17:43:02 that's what they do, why would they change 17:43:34 hyc: the simplest thing to do which does not require any code change is running monerod with MONERO_RANDOMX_FULL_MEM and running p2pool with --no-randomx 17:43:49 and i doubt they even made these things capable of running anode, even though is a damn CPU 17:44:04 true milkers, not adding anything to the ecosystem 17:44:09 gingeropolous: they OBVIOUSLY didn't 17:44:11 xfedex: yes of course. I wrote that code. 17:45:19 lulz, that nitter page; "guess the price". they are trying to find what the market will tolerate to buy their burnt out silicon 17:45:25 I use it 24/7 on my rockpro64. but I currently am not running xmrig on it because there wouldn't be enough RAM. 17:46:23 I think the miner integrated in p2pool has performance similar to xmrig 17:47:16 Does your device have enough RAM to run monerod without full memory and p2pool with RandomX fast mode? 17:48:00 probably. but that's still a couple hundred MB I'd prefer not to spend. anything that takes away from available FS cache hurts monerod perf 17:48:35 and memory limited devices, it's best to have full dataset in monerod and make everything else use calc_pow RPC call 17:48:41 *on memory 17:49:27 p2pool integrated miner has 5-10% lower performance even if you help it with manual MSR mod 17:49:42 because there are many code-level optimizations in xmrig 17:50:41 so... it might be worthwhile to add calc_pow RPC to xmrig itself, and point both monerod and p2pool at it 18:00:57 that's kind of backwards 18:01:26 why? let the fastest code do all of the hash computations 18:01:35 xmrig optimizations were always designed to make it faster, but never cared about being 100% correct all the time 18:01:42 ah 18:01:58 ok never mind 18:02:06 granted, it's correct now but I'm not sure I can give a guarantee :D 18:02:39 then back to the earlier idea, let monerod's miner work with p2pool 18:02:54 because I don't remember exactly, but at some point I considered optimizations that would make it 1% faster at a cost of 0.1% invalid hashes, for example 18:13:05 -f-unsafe-randomx-optimizations 18:13:34 well, just in case we want to brick this ASIC, I already found an instruction that's available on x86 and ARM (not all x86 and ARM, but many), but 100% is not there on that RISC-V chip. 18:15:15 on *that* risc-v chip? 18:15:34 do we know what they have, or custom design? given extensions are plenty 18:16:24 If they have risc-v chip, I know what they *don't* have :P 18:16:34 risc-v is an open standard, after all 18:17:09 and an instruction I picked, it's not even a finalized draft in risc-v, lol 18:18:59 *it's not ratified yet 18:19:20 and considering that they physically created their ASICs in 2021... It's 10000% not there 18:20:45 yeah, just saying that the standard includes instructions but there are many custom extensions on these risc-v chips out there 18:20:52 they probably have none though :D 18:22:35 They use RV64GC+Zk at best, which leaves a lot of unsupported instructions 18:23:22 RV64GC is a "standard" 64-bit RISC instruction set, Zk is needed for AES (I think) 18:25:44 yeah, unless they placed it in the non-standard extension in the "Guaranteed Non-Standard Encoding Space" 18:26:28 I bet they used as much standard stuff as possible to reduce costs 19:42:25 1350w? What is the claimed performance of the thing? 19:42:45 212 kh/s 19:42:58 about the same efficiency as Ryzen 5950X/7950X 19:46:14 I mean... I'm partial to RISC-V getting a leg up :D 19:48:32 On the other hand, adding an instruction that's not ratified in risc-v yet, will make trouble for all risc-v systems for the foreseeable future, not just for this ASIC. It's not ideal. 19:49:10 It will not make RandomX on RISC-V impossible, but it will make it noticeably slower 20:05:53 So are we now going to favour particular cpu architectures ? Because someone made cpus to mine monero 20:12:10 considering possibilities doesn't mean they will be pushed for at all 21:08:54 yeah, i mean, randomx is cpu-bound, and this RISC-V system is CPUs. I don't see the sense in modding the PoW to counter this development. I think time has already addressed the concern, and will continue to.