21:37:51 hm. looks like I fried the internal storage of my tvbox after running xmrig on it 24/7 21:38:13 8 core CPU, I was only mining with 3 threads 21:38:51 pics from Recovery boot https://forum.freaktab.com/node/831395?p=833308#post833308 21:44:30 it had been mining pretty much continuously since I nought this thing last December 21:44:40 s/nought/bought/ 21:53:43 tempted to get this next but it's actually overkill https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005884833857.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.27.51cb7eb5f4PXWa&algo_pvid=164d0f6c-da96-4add-80b6-bb354c0f5703&algo_exp_id=164d0f6c-da96-4add-80b6-bb354c0f5703-13&pdp_npi=4%40dis!EUR!298.20!238.56!!!2306.24!!%402103241d16934320332372655e2f52!12000034699369685!sea!IE!763765566!&curPageLogUid=3sza6A8Jz668 22:08:35 If you got it in December the warranty should still be valid, it did not sustain your binging habits, you should complain! 22:08:45 lol 22:10:55 I think it only has 90 day warranty 22:15:46 but since you mentioned it, I'm messaging the seller on aliexpress to see if they'll offer any help. unlikely. 22:16:23 anyway, some of those other options might be worth getting anyway, could take over the duties of my rockpro64 22:16:44 with up to 32GB RAM, could actually build the monero source tree with make -j8 and not choke