00:14:42 x5 for 605$ on aliexpress .... is it a scam somehow 01:06:06 possible 01:06:18 I've seen plenty of other scams there 06:02:40 ask the seller for photos of the interior of the beast, maybe we'll learn something or maybe we'll have a good laugh 07:47:47 Well I found an X5 far sale at £1275.70 which is around 1/3rd the retail price, however they only accept payment in BTC, USDT, Western Union or Moneygram so.... I'm giving it a miss :P 13:39:22 https://www.seeedstudio.com/Sipeed-MAIX-I-module-WiFi-version-1st-RISC-V-64-AI-Module-K210-inside-p-3206.html i was checking a local supplier for SoC category, and i saw this note on the product page "28nm process, dual-core RISC-V 64bit IMAFDC, on-chip huge 8MB high-speed SRAM (not for XMR :D), 400MHz frequency (able to 800MHz)". 13:40:24 funny little note there 13:47:41 Probably because I don't see any memory modules on the board, so 8 MB SRAM is all it has 14:07:02 https://www.amazon.in/Gona-Shop-Module-RISC-V-inside/dp/B09462ZZHW all the shops copied their texts, so XMR note is everywhere. sech1 yeah it seems to have only this onboard, 2MB for "AI stuff" 6 MB is general purpose RAM 14:40:48 we've left our footprint on the computing world ;) 14:42:25 I ordered the Sipeed Lichee 4A. the company says the cases will be in stock in a week 14:46:09 hyc: one of these? https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256805838196196.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.23.42f7508adB2Ggv&algo_pvid=1bc9ec9e-b53b-4ca8-8fef-aa09e1e85b7f&algo_exp_id=1bc9ec9e-b53b-4ca8-8fef-aa09e1e85b7f-11&pdp_npi=4%40dis%21USD%211288.00%211288.0%21%21%211288.00%21%21%402101f49816945300870822141e13a6%2112000035371821518%21sea%21US%210%21AS&curPageLogUid=Nj6Wi3nM89SZ 14:49:46 Wow, that's hardware porn https://p2pool.io/u/7d34d185e753779b/image.png 15:43:03 nice little raspberry pi compute stack :P 15:43:53 I have a feeling thats what the inside of the X5 looks like, only with the Lichee 4A compute modules 15:45:09 I wonder what the IO comparison between the lichee 4a and pi compute modules is like... could they have just repurposed the pi carrier boards? 15:45:27 What I posted is lichee boards, not pi 15:52:41 jtgrassie: nope, just a single. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005532736080.html 15:53:34 no point in going all-in until I have an actual JIT that can give us perf figures 15:54:10 and I'm still annoyed at the lack of hardware AES 15:56:10 damn my bad, did a similar image search and it came up with the pis 15:58:17 safe to say thats roughly what half of the inside of the X5 looks like then, if they're quad core, thats a stack of 35 of them, ~600h/s per core. thats about 84kh/s worth of A4s 16:01:44 7 slots, quadcare, 28 cores per stack 16:02:55 @hyc so it's xuantie c910 cpu? 16:03:10 yep 16:05:08 https://www.sophgo.com/product/introduce/sg2042.html 16:05:54 ^ not enough cache for RandomX 16:08:46 enough for 32cores though, so could have some spare to using it for non-xmr stuff :) 16:14:39 shame about the P550 chip from SiFive, barely any L3 cache (4mb on a 4 core chip) 16:18:58 ARM boards are even worse, it's hard to find anything with more than 1 MB. 16:24:04 yeah, not even on the ARM server chips 16:24:28 Apple M1/M2 maybe 17:43:10 If we're paying apple prices, may as well look at Epyc :P 17:56:36 https://xmrig.com/benchmark/55ZwTR yup think its time to restart Windows 18:56:51 meh, booted up into debian to do another benchmark, damn secureboot giving me hell with the msr module :/ 18:57:37 since I can't be bothered to sign it and load it, and have nothing but hell with secureboot turned off, guess I'm stuck with a maximum of 19kh/s in debian :| 18:59:26 however I did squeeze 20kh/s out of a freshly restarted windows 11: https://xmrig.com/benchmark/2BHpnh