00:45:38 my C version of librandomx was something like 10% slower because I ripped out the templating. I plan to reintroduce it using cpp macros 00:46:04 but yeah, not fond of the code bloat 07:55:34 Some power usage testing running 32 threads (7950X @ 4.275 GHz, 0.85V): RandomX v1 is 18222 h/s, 87.8 watts. RandomX v2 (288, +4 for FMUL_R, -4 for IXOR_R) is 18553 h/s, 87.1 watts. Interesting. 07:56:40 CFROUND is so slow on Ryzen that v2 can run 12.5% more instructions (and more power hungry FMUL_R), while using less watts 07:57:46 Overall power efficiency increase is 288/256*18553/18222*87.8/87.1 = 15.46% (in terms of energy spent per RandomX instruction) 08:01:23 v1: 870.5e6 rx instructions/J, v2: 1005.1e6 rx instructions/J 08:02:10 v2 achieves > 1 billion RandomX instructions per joule, nice 08:36:05 Same test on Ryzen 5 5600X @ 3.6 GHz, 0.88V: v1 is 6449.86 h/s, 46.551 W, v2 is 6611.02 h/s, 46.903 W - this is 14.4% efficiency increase 13:04:01 hmm I'm getting 18100h/s on a 7950x 28 threads 5.2ghz 135w RX1 13:04:09 totally power inefficient :D 13:05:22 avg. 1.2v per core :| no wonder my office space is warm 17:38:27 got hold of a USB A to A cable to try to reflash my rk3588 box. but every write command just dies. this thing's flash memory is just toast. 17:39:08 I can still read about the first half of memory. that includes the partition table and all the way thru the boot partition 17:39:22 everything after that comes back as 0xCC 17:39:51 including what should be the recovery image, backup images, and all of the user data partition. oh well 17:41:30 ouch. yeah that's not healthy 17:42:24 that lychee pi arrived yet? 17:42:37 nope, still in transit 17:43:23 :( trying to decide between that or the beagleboard ahead. Its payday and I feel like its time for a new toy 17:45:03 then trying to decide between a hackrf one or just some rtl-sdr kit 18:18:16 risc-v growing :D 18:18:34 paulio_uk: got any interesting sdr projects planned? 20:11:49 going to start with the local pub/shop watch radios :P then span out - wouldn't mind having a stab at getting some satellite data 20:12:08 and maybe have a bit of a sniff on the old pager signals to see whats still active out there :D 21:16:58 hackrf one can also transmit, but that's a rabbit hole paulio_uk 21:17:27 you can get 90% of the way there with $15 receiver and some good antennas (outside of that cost) 21:19:33 I'd like to play with a bit of LoRa 22:06:54 tevador aarch64 JIT is ready: https://github.com/SChernykh/RandomX/tree/v2 - you can take the changes to your PR now 22:30:45 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/tqEJvkmlFQQVYAkdufapANCC 22:30:58 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/kaGahkdkLuBnthuujuUZiAYD 22:31:18 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/yyFotSlfsJGBZMeFKfYRzvSJ 22:31:33 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/djpDbSucoNWkQkaRGZHkwlEj 22:31:55 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/yDjfvsFeRicZQBqzlXulhKle 23:02:01 fun pictures 23:27:12 so, external SODIMMs? 23:27:20 CPU confirmed though :D 23:28:36 6 CPU per board, how many boards though? 23:30:35 i'm surprised to see socketed SODIMM 23:32:22 3 boards 23:32:30 wow, 18 CPUs per machine