04:39:44 speaking of riscV https://www.reuters.com/technology/us-china-tech-war-risc-v-chip-technology-emerges-new-battleground-2023-10-06/ 07:02:08 hi 07:02:51 will hashing goes up if we remove microcode from cpus 07:24:46 If you remove microcode from cpus, you'll get nice paperweights instead of cpus 07:27:12 But fast paperweights ? 07:28:18 I think what was meant is, if Intel were to remove the programmability layer there to hardcode what it currently does. 07:28:43 microcode is only used for complex instructions which are rarely used 07:31:30 In RandomX, only CFROUND translates to instructions that use microcode 07:56:31 maybe microcode remove hidden specs from cpus 07:57:09 or better keeps hiden some specifics specs 07:57:19 sorry for my english 08:09:53 poor guy, if he thinks the microcode is the only way cpu manufacturer can put "hidden features" he'll be shocked when he learns manufacturer makes the hardware itself... 08:15:55 where motherboard manufacturer insert more code except cpus 08:16:29 we are not talking about servers that have management cpu 09:04:44 Various chips have "firmware" that get run on boot. 09:05:27 There's always the silicon that can have code that gets activated by seeing some trigger data (eg, network cards scanning for packets with some predefined bit pattern). 09:06:25 There are various "negative ring" layers, I forget now. The big one used to be the... EMM I think it was called ? Massive bunch of stuff your hypervisor doesn't see. 09:07:03 The "management engine" type stuff, which IIRC is different, but there's so much nowadays. 09:08:03 The baseband processor for phones. I totally dropped off that stuff ages ago, too much to keep track of. Basically, we're fucked in plemty of interesting ways. 09:08:48 risc-v to the rescue :D 10:14:43 is libreboot the bets solution right now? 10:22:48 moneromoooo: like the Intel amt? 10:23:58 no i mean to run a computer without hidden code 10:24:53 https://github.com/corna/me_cleaner 10:25:06 this one is a good example 18:53:15 <4​rkal:matrix.org> Could a highly optimized Linux kernel improve hashrate? Is it worth my time to optimize? 18:58:25 Improving kernel performance is good regardless. 18:58:45 But to your question, I doubt it will make any difference at all. 19:15:02 Maybe playing with spectre/meltdown and other mitigations can affect hashrate. Not just disabling, you can test both options 21:27:27 a simple optimization could be just to delete support for all but the most fundamental of features. 21:28:08 a single type of storage device driver, a single specific network driver. boot up and run miner, nothing else. 21:29:03 no dynamically loaded modules; dynamic linkage is a 5% overhead all on its own 21:32:38 another approach - integrate miner into a unikernel. 21:32:49 no user mode context switches at all