11:50:13 <4​rkal:matrix.org> Are there any good guides on how to do that for a beginner? 15:22:25 Interesting https://twitter.com/WuBlockchain/status/1710880716383494207 17:10:25 sech1: x5 killed bitmain? 17:12:51 the last straw 17:13:37 iHope 17:18:43 brilliant 17:19:09 I wonder why they didn't just jack up the price of the X5 etc since they sold all they had 17:59:26 Who would have bought it at high cost with a threat of pow change 😂 17:59:55 Siphoned off all those secretly mined coins 18:28:35 well if they're not paying their staff, definitely not going to be any spare parts getting shipped 21:15:30 https://github.com/tevador/RandomX/pull/275 21:15:40 took a lot more work than expected 21:17:06 hmm time to look into buying some RISC-V hardware :D 21:41:02 nice 21:41:19 I'll take a thorough look tomorrow 21:41:45 But tests (including risc-v) already pass, that's a good sign 21:44:54 I spent a day and half hunting for a bug that caused 1 in 50k hashes to fail. Those are fun. 21:45:52 what was it? 21:46:45 a bug in immediate materialization that manifested only for values 0x7ffff*** 21:47:35 ah, probably something specific to instruction encodings 21:47:37 nasty 21:49:04 it's a different beast than x86 and ARM 21:52:14 sech1: that makes more sense, I saw no reason why they would just sell these *now* except if they had a money crunch 21:54:25 tevador yeah, I remember writing jit for AMD GPUs, it was a different beast too. Spent like 3 weeks full time on it. The worst can of worms was this function: https://github.com/SChernykh/RandomX_OpenCL/blob/master/RandomX_OpenCL/CL/randomx_vm.cl#L1406 21:56:37 This was another fun afternoon trying to figure out why GDB won't work: https://github.com/tevador/RandomX/blob/pr-riscv/src/jit_compiler_rv64_static.S#L194 21:58:25 OpenCL not having directed rounding is a massive fail 21:58:50 I'd still use x4 for another imul_rcp value 21:59:27 not worth the trouble 21:59:28 make it compile time option to use x4, if you ever need the debugger 21:59:54 I'll have to do it for xmrig anyway :D 22:00:30 Right now you store only 10 rcp values in registers, 11 is better :D 22:00:34 yeah, I had a compile time flag for that but then I just remapped everything to avoid x4