02:05:47 selsta: this is your PR branch 02:06:55 89% 2674083 / 3001801 now. CPU use is up so it's actually verifying things now 02:26:19 print_net_stats 02:26:19 Received 101279858683 bytes (94.32 GB) in 12511521 packets in 1.2 days, average 928.62 kB/s = 11.34% of the limit of 8.00 MB/s 02:26:19 Sent 98564703 bytes (94.00 MB) in 89665 packets in 1.2 days, average 925 B/s = 0.04% of the limit of 2.00 MB/s 02:27:08 94MB seems like a lot of sent traffic considering all it's doing is syncing from an --add-exclusive-node on the LAN 10:57:53 this "isnt a big deal as this is something that is called once every ~3 days and we're talking about speeding up by a few hundred of milliseconds, " but worth a look https://www.reddit.com/r/MoneroMining/comments/17eh32z/modernrx_v0312_improved_randomx_initialization/ 11:26:23 I commented there 11:44:39 hyc: I have two open, one for master and one for release 11:44:59 if you use the release branch it will have more up to date checkpoints 11:45:13 we update the checkpoints in master branch less regularly 14:31:44 well I used your branch for PR9028 14:42:43 yea that's from master branch which misses recent checkpoints. if you switch to release-v0.18 it should sync up faster. 14:43:11 or 9029 14:45:17 I'm in no hurry .might as well put this CPU thru its paces 14:47:24 it seems to now be syncing 2 blocks/second 14:48:26 hm, a few more days to go at this rate 17:22:33 meh. I built the v0.18 patch ;) 17:22:53 20 blocks/sec now 19:01:57 Hello! Can someone explain the purpose of the recent RandomX update? 19:19:51 which update exactly? the one proposed for a future network upgrade? 19:21:01 RandomX 1.2 19:21:44 I was watching https://twitter.com/monerotopia/status/1716484637374177574 19:21:44 He talks about it but doesn't really know what it is about 19:24:09 it fixes a bug on macOS ARM that could result in a crash and it added optimized support for RISC-V CPUs 19:25:26 Ok thank you :) 23:56:37 gah. my sync failed at 95%, hard error on the SSD. 23:56:41 bad sectors 23:56:55 Backup everything while you can (if you haven't already) 23:57:15 SSDs will die very quickly once they show any signs of failures 23:57:25 yeah. it's an ld 500GB one, it's been beaten on for a long time 23:57:31 old^ 23:57:41 Good luck