03:36:36 <\x> is this a meme 03:36:37 <\x> https://morethanmoore.substack.com/p/the-risk-of-risc-v-whats-going-on 04:02:50 <\x> https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1me411R7Ha/ hyc 04:03:37 <\x> 1 5 2 config aaaaaaaaaaaaa 11:48:17 Cortex X4 is a real monster: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ARM_Cortex-X4 11:48:28 Up to 10 instructions/cycle, up to 2 MB L2 cache 11:48:33 Perfect for RandomX 12:33:04 is it energy efficient though? 13:33:50 arm tends to be very energy efficient afail 13:33:55 afaik* 18:37:52 Yeah