02:28:05 nice. I've been thinking about how to rig up a camera and motion detector to warn me when the cats are going to piss on the floor instead of using their litter tray 03:26:12 you gonna have it trigger some kind of high pitched alarm so the cats will shift their behavior? or will it still require human intervention? 03:27:26 just notify me, human intervention required. 03:28:36 the couple of times I've gotten there almost-in-time it became obvious what the problem was. one cat was using the toilet and the other wanted to copy him but there wasn't enough room. 03:28:52 so the 2nd cat just goes on the floor. 04:07:37 Its not foss, but i used to use an android app called tinycam + cheap cameras over the lan 04:08:19 Tinycam has build in motion detection, as well as detection for what it thinks are animals, vehicles or people 04:10:10 Can record to nfs, sd card etc. 04:10:10 not a terrible solution. Not sure of free alternatives for the motion/object detection 17:39:24 Hmm I WISH! I had a way to monitor the cat before he decides to have a dirty protest on the floor :/ Just finished replacing the downloads hallway carpet with laminate after he protested too many times to save it :/ 17:40:02 The downloads hallway. We're in the matrix. I knew it. 17:40:29 fek sake, uncaffinated :/ 17:40:37 s/downloads/downstairs 17:40:48 been working in CLI far too much this weekend :D 17:41:12 LOL 17:43:12 on the bright/dark side, I now know what I'm dealing with in the loft space :D took apart an old webcam and removed the IR filter, setup a load of IR leds to flood the cold dark abyss of the loft 17:43:54 at one point there were 5 cat sized rats running between ours and the neighbours joined wall 17:44:48 and the beaglev-ahead is up there, uncooled, and running at about 30c despite having a heavy load. Winter has its perks 17:46:07 started looking into the firmware of the board because the indicator LEDs are pretty bright on it and I didn't want anything coming over and having a nibble or piss on it - then just found I could disable the LEDs without having to do anything crazy 17:46:54 cats can see near infrared. I wouldn't be surprised if rats can too 17:47:57 they'll be blinded by them then :P there's around 200 5mm IR LEDs up there 17:48:15 yowza 17:48:25 and now I need to put some mice on the projector screen to distract the cat from all the fireworks outside :| poor guy isn't enjoying tonight