02:36:10 Same with multiplying integers by 0 02:36:22 Or XOR'ing things with themselves 02:36:52 Or OR'ing by 1 02:45:31 You definitely want to avoid any operations which have non-closed "attractors" loops: values which are the result of an operation on operands which are different from the attractor, but for which successive applications of the operation converge of a small range of values which discludes the original operands 02:45:46 That's another way that entropy goes down, even without going to 0 02:47:17 As a sort of contrived example, take the function f(x) = x + (p - x) / 100, where p is the closest prime to x 02:49:21 Successive applications of f(x) to the hashstate would cause the hashstate to converge on a small finite number of possible values (the primes), even given diverse inputs