06:02:13 If it was easy ... 11:28:19 This may be a very dumb question, but could Seraphis with both types of address formats be deployed to allow a transitional period? 11:29:10 And then phase out "legacy" address format in a later hard fork? 11:29:10 As addresses aren't published on-chain there isn't a fungibility issue unless the formats affect it some other way I'm not aware of. 11:44:36 I guess not? Because the old format would not have the information required by the new format, so it would not be able to build a transaction 11:44:45 Otherwise you wouldn't need a change in format 11:44:49 (Right?) 11:53:22 Yeah if the old format could be supported easily then I wouldn’t bother recommending a new format. 11:54:01 Well, I had a new idea that could make it work - less efficient than Triptych even under the best assumptions though. 12:08:22 Thus the idea of both address formats at once for a transitional period, and then another fork to disable "legacy" addresses and gain all of the benefits of the new format. Is that a possibility? 12:14:50 Yes I think it can be done. There would be a period where the blockchain contains mixed output types, which may make node/wallet code a bit more complex. 12:42:11 Transactions would be indistinguishable on-chain still, correct? Just added complexity in the short-term for code. 12:48:36 No transactions would have two different input and output types, making them distinguishable. 14:26:31 Added my new idea for address compatibility to the Seraphis gist if anyone wants to look... Probably won't pursue it further, unless I decide to do a benchmark. 14:29:07 This idea reflects the versatility of Seraphis' approach to membership proofs. 14:30:11 UkoeHB: are you capable to write proofs for Seraphis or it will separate work for someone eles ? 14:36:19 * ... it will be ... 14:36:29 I will need help. Right now I don't think anyone has committed to doing so. 14:37:19 If someone writes it in python, I can convert to C++ and plug into monero, like I did for BP. I don't grok crypto near well enough to do it fully from paper though. 14:37:37 (as in, I'll fuck something up and not see it) 14:40:51 In ~1-2 months I would like to write my own C++ prototypes of the two Seraphis variants, at which time I can also write a prototype for the inefficient address-friendly scheme. The prototypes can be used for benchmarks to better inform discussions. 14:42:49 translation of cryptography into code is much easier task than mathematical proofs of the cryptography. Just to be clear, I was talking about math proofs for cryptogaphy, the work that surae and sarang did previously. 14:43:11 Yes I know. I responded to you, then to moneromooo 14:43:57 I have a preprint draft for Seraphis that is pretty well developed, but has no formal proofs. 14:57:09 Oh a new idea on address compatibility? Sweet 15:27:12 sarang revised again to fix some errors 15:27:43 Ah ok, thanks 15:38:24 FWIW having good protocol modularity (which is the case for designs like Seraphis and Spark) can certainly make protocol-level security analysis and proofs more straightforward, since you can often rely on security properties of protocol components 15:38:36 e.g. range proofs, one-of-many proofs, representation proofs 19:21:59 "I have a preprint draft for..." <- I would try to help on this (as much as I can). 19:25:19 Maybe I will make a github