08:06:39 "We need to get that statistical..." <- Monero CCS uses a private gitlab on https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals 08:06:39 Why not use also this private gitlab ? 08:08:37 eg something like https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/monero-blockchain-observatory 08:22:28 Halver: That's not enough. We are looking into using RStudio Server Open Source or Rstudio Workbench. In fact gingeropolous already has a test instance of RStudio Server Open Source up an running. 15:29:14 @Rucknium - are you doing a CCS for the server hardware? 17:10:49 john_r365: gingeropolous , myself, and a few others have been kicking around that idea. I think it will probably happen, but we are still thinking through what exact hardware requirements would be needed. It also may make sense to pay for certain software licenses. RStudio Workbench is not free, but it has great remote collaborative facilities for working across R, Python, C++, and SQL. 17:11:19 It also plays into the "active recruitment" campaign since we may want a large number of people to be working on projects simultaneously on the same server. 17:46:06 Logically, the protocol has a rule that allows the creation of v1 transactions (transparent value in, transparent value out) if and only if the transaction contains an unmixable input. 17:46:08 Presumably the intended behavior is that I make two hops. A v1 transaction that consumes unmixable inputs and makes mixable outputs, then a transaction that migrates those into the RingCT pool. 17:46:27 Is there anything that stops me from being a troll and making more unmixable outputs? 17:47:14 Mostly. 17:47:52 There is a rule that prevents you from making non denominated outputs. But if you create an output of 600k monero, it's unlikely to be mixable. 17:52:45 Ahhh that makes sense 17:52:46 Cool 21:09:39 Rucknium: Thanks for the rundown. Ok yeah, makes sense to get as clear as possible on the hardware and software requirements. I see RStudio Workbench is about $5k per year, and then you’ve got the hardware costs. 21:09:39 Look forward to hearing as the idea progresses. 21:10:59 john_r365: There are substantial discounts for nonprofits, small & medium businesses, and research done at academic institutions, so we could try looking into those avenues. I think it would still be fundable at full price via CCS though. 21:11:29 Agree