17:34:58 so... can this issue be closed? https://github.com/monero-project/research-lab/issues/12 17:40:09 seems like it 19:48:13 Lelantus-Spark has been updated with their solution to the key image issue identified by nwk: https://eprint.iacr.org/2021/1173.pdf. Spark's key image construction is now different from Seraphis, so Spark no longer qualifies as an instantiation of Seraphis. 19:51:00 Different views on pros/cons of both ways to fix ? 19:51:53 They are similar ways: `KI_seraphis = (y/x)*G`, `KI_spark = (1/x)*U - (y/x)*G` (y = priv spend key; x = priv view key stuff). 19:52:17 I guess Spark's version works better for their Chaum-Pedersen proofs. 19:52:49 But Seraphis's version works better with the composition proof I came up with. 19:55:00 The two proofs have similar size/verification costs (I think - still need to perf test). 23:38:07 is there a lost of theorems for seraphis which still need some proofs? 23:44:55 coinstudent2048[: ^