21:35:09 https://github.com/monero-project/research-lab/issues/92#issuecomment-985018982 21:52:33 thanks tevador, btw it seems a wallet would have to store exponentially more subaddress keys in the lookup table: num_subaddr*num_default_paymentrequests 21:52:53 err I guess that's multiplicative 21:53:41 "https://github.com/monero-..." <- This is... Fascinating and worth getting a lot of feedback on. 21:53:41 How does it compare to LNURL/BOLT11 and other LN payment request approaches? I'm not very familiar with them but curious if a similar approach has been explored before. 22:03:12 tevador: is the goal here to move the 'payment ID' behavior into an implicit account-side index? 22:05:02 If we remove the concept of addresses entirely, then what's the point of having accounts *and* subaddresses? Why not have "only" accounts, and generate a new one for each person/entity we're interacting with? 22:05:52 That would simplify the UX a lot, imo 22:06:17 Also, I'm pretty sure this is like Janus A but with an additional tier (~ tier 0 I guess). It would be like Janus D if you set `k^vs = k^vr`. 22:06:59 merope: in this case, account = subaddress and payment request = sub-subaddress 22:13:56 hmm, so the wallet would show a "1-dimensional" list of accounts, each with their own transaction history? (as opposed to the current "2-dimensional" setup of accounts, each with their own subaddresses, each with their own transaction list) 22:15:02 yes I think so, since right now 'accounts' are just ranges of subaddresses 22:15:18 instead they would be ranges of sub-subaddresses 22:18:12 I'm guessing large-volume users would have to adopt conventions around payment-request indices. I.e. re-use a payment-request for the same purpose... Otherwise the subaddress table would become unmanageable. 22:20:56 That sounds like a clusterfuck waiting to explode... I guess creating one subaddress range per user would slow things down too much? 22:22:53 Another question: the output construction requires the generation of a random scalar t. What happens if the same scalar t is [accidentally/voluntarily/maliciously] reused? 22:35:08 UkoeHB: why would there be more keys in the lookup table? It should be the same as if a new subaddress is used for each payment. 22:35:31 UkoeHB: you might be right about the Janus A/D classification 22:48:34 it seems like people would be generating a lot more payment requests than new subaddresses 23:00:31 It depends on the usage. A payment request is also reusable if all payments to it have the same purpose (for example, a donation). 23:16:27 yeah I think it would be manageable if UX is implemented effectively