01:25:48 Rucknium[m]: Doesn't look like any code in existence will be worth anything 01:26:11 Beyond saying in the paper it's incomplete, the researcher doesn't seem to be a developer 01:27:34 I'm not denying the existence of supporting staff. I just don't believe the person who's work it primarily is would understand the needs of production code and so on. It'd be a partial reference if that, if we could get him to publicize it which I'm asking about 04:25:40 Rucknium: when you get a chance, maybe in a 1 on 1 chat, could you fill me in on the steps forward to making a proposal and seeking funding to improve the hash rate estimator that we talked about. Been thinking a lot about it lately 04:34:37 maxwellsdemon: Sure. I did a short write-up of funding options in #monero-recruitment:monero.social . You can start by reading that for now. 07:37:54 kayabaNerve: IIRC PayMo was theoretically correct but did completely omit the fact you cannot chain unbroadcasted transactions, so not feasible in practice. What’s about this work? 07:38:14 I means for monero 07:38:23 Was unbroadcasted TXs part of PayMo? 07:38:23 *mean 07:38:41 Oh. Right. You can't 07:38:56 Because the spender which has the VDF signature needs to have a valid signature before lock. 07:39:01 This has the same problem 07:39:24 I think so, you create the the “refund” before locking, and use the vdf sigs for delaying refund validity, again IIRC 07:39:35 Those words are a bit jumbled, sorry. I think you get me :p 07:39:56 yep 07:40:03 Right, except you can't create XMR refunds before locking due to referential output indexes, as you point out 07:41:03 I still think the UX is absolutely unusable. Imagine being told you had to solve a multiple hour CPU puzzle to get your money back. It's not a 2 hour delay yet a 8 hour power draw. You're working from a phone instead of a Ryzen? Try 16 hours because it needs to be timed for the more powerful device 07:41:10 Not to mention FPGAs 0_o 07:41:21 But I still appreciate the theoretical developments. 07:42:06 This also shouldn't be usable for Zcash because of that actually. You need the merkle tree mined in a block included in spends. If any other shielded TX is present before the lock is mined... different merkle 07:42:10 Yeah, I really dislike the title of the paper but will give it a read during the holidays. I’m sure there is plenty of good work but looks like they claim a lot… so :) 07:42:48 I legitimately don't hate it. The atomic swap proposals I hate are the ones saying "just send $1 at a time" or "multisig with a third party, ez, solved" 07:43:04 haha 07:43:18 And it's legitimate improvements on the generalized application of VDF signatures (however they're called, this paper doesn't use the term VDF once) 07:43:33 ^ this 07:43:44 But I also don't see it as a usable UX... ever? So I want to stay up to date on it but I don't care to do any work without it 07:43:52 Except asking for them to publish their impl. That I want to see. 07:47:15 The vdf sig thing can work ;p, imagine a world where every chip as a little module, let’s say a proprietary one, that is total black box, capped in computation power, where you can send a calcul and receive the result when finished… now it doesn’t matter if you have a ryzen or you’re on the phone, little black box saves you :) /s 07:47:36 What a wonderful world that would be 07:49:21 > first n-to- ̃n swap protocol for Monero that is 07:49:21 efficient, does not require any hard fork, 07:49:27 :( 07:49:40 I feel like this dude is an extremely smart cryptographer and I love him for it 07:49:56 Yet he published a blockchain paper without knowing the actual impl details of these blockchains 07:50:58 Let’s make sure we understand correctly the paper before saying his work is invalid, maybe they found a trick to not require any chained tx?! 07:51:49 > To build some intuition on how to use this tool to simulate 07:51:50 a transaction timelock, consider the case of two users (Alice 07:51:50 and Bob) sharing an address pk AB (where each party owns 07:51:50 a share of the corresponding secret key). Before sending 07:51:50 the funds to pk AB , Alice and Bob jointly sign a “refund” 07:51:50 transaction tx rfnd that transfers all funds from pk AB back to 07:51:52 the address of Alice, 07:52:09 Sorry for sending a IRC message flood. That should've been a single line. I'll preprocess in the future. 08:04:55 Yeah ok that’s obvious now, just started reading the paper, where is that line? 08:07:16 P4 Second paragraph 08:18:55 P3 II. SOLUTION OVERVIEW is not precise enough about requirements: “…which is compatible with any blockchain, assuming the minimal ability to verify signatures on transactions…” < this lacks the “Segwit” thing people have some much trouble to get 09:30:54 Yep