11:13:10 "I have like 10 wallets since I..." <- which is one of the reason I appreciate the current possibility to have multiple accounts. 11:13:33 imo it helps greatly to simplify things. 11:31:21 Now that i understand them, they are very useful indeed 13:55:59 I'd say accounts are mostly useful because it's the only way the official GUI lets you manage outputs, but with the ability to label and manage outputs I don't really see the point of accounts over separate wallets --- if you really want them to be accessible with the same password, give them the same password lol 13:57:03 Hey, I've been reading Zero-to-Monero and have a notational question that someone can maybe answer. Unfortunately, eqns aren't numbered but I think it comes up first in section 2.3.4. For instance in the equation R'=\alpha G + c*K, why is * used in one place but not the other. Is this to denote scalar multiplication (mod q)? 13:57:24 The point is O(1) scanning, rather than O(N). 13:59:26 feather did choose not to support accounts, but then ended up adding them (kind of ticked out of the way) because people were trying to restore wallets that had stuff on account 2 or whatever 13:59:27 s/./?/ 14:01:05 cK usually says "multiply scalar (lowercase) by group element (uppercase), to yield a group element. I suspect cK could be seen as a variable name, while \alpha G is harder to, given the alphabet change. 14:05:19 okay, then it's trivial. thanks. 14:06:15 ...wouldn't want to confuse cK with Calvin-Klein 14:36:56 Regarding notation, is there a monero style guide for variables used in written equations (eg zero to monero) and for those in code? 14:38:13 It could be helpful to have a reference standard notation that worked well in both papers and code. And works well across the various crypto algos used or proposed for monero. 14:38:31 It would make onboarding easier 14:40:39 dr_overdose[m]: it is only for visual clarity around indices. cK and c*K are equivalent 14:41:05 Around subscripts/superscripts* 14:41:44 I am currently refactoring my variable names and questions like the one from dr_overdose are things I am striving to avoid as I develop my new names and formatting. 14:41:52 No there is no style guide 14:43:40 Canonically, field elements are lowercase, group elements are uppercase. 14:43:57 Yes he was asking about the notation for scalar multiplication 15:05:08 It would also be very helpful to have equation numbers 15:06:53 Is the LateX file in the public domain? 15:07:45 like on the arxiv for instance? 15:29:44 https://www.getmonero.org/library/ 15:31:47 Pretty sure equation numbers interfere with margin notes or something (and add a huge amount of visual clutter). 15:36:44 It was just a suggestion. There's a definitely a way to have both. Numbering the most important equations, leaving the majority without any unnecessary dressing, would improve the manuscript imo. Though perhaps the marginal improvement isn't worth the effort. 15:41:50 At least for me, it was not