01:46:21 tevador: Are there any other cryptos with RIDs/signatures like Jamtis supports? I really like that addition, and I'm curious how (and if) it has been done elsewhere. 14:25:42 HEADS UP FOR MATRIX USERS: The Monero matrix server (monero.social) will be down for 1-2h starting Friday Jan 28th, 1:00AM GMT. We will migrate it to a new host. Hopefully no data should be lost. 22:42:31 I made a python gist trying to show how Monero constructs pedersen commitments that prove hidden input and output amounts balance in a simple way 22:42:37 https://gist.github.com/j-berman/133d29d09df61ed5083a52e46f085849 22:42:52 Figure @dangerousfreedom or others may find value in this^ (coincidentally I was working on this over the weekend). I'm in the process of building up my cryptography knowledge (to hopefully be a much more valuable contributor), and I think I'd find a lot of value in a super basic python implementation that verifies supply too. I'm a big fan of that endeavor 22:43:17 I also want to do range proofs and ring sigs next when I get more time 22:43:17 also major shout out to coinstudent2048 for the sweet tutorial I built off of when working on this 22:43:25 dangerousfreedom* 23:14:17 "I made a python gist trying to..." <- Nice. I wont have time this week until Friday but I will take a look soon :) 23:14:17 Yeah, I hope that we can do that together. I also need to improve my cryptography knowledge, so thats also why I want to have this question settled :p 23:15:59 sweet, I'll be around :D