08:36:28 "jberman: sure no prob. will..." <- this is the most interesting one: https://github.com/mymonero/mymonero-core-cpp/pull/36 08:38:29 this one is less interesting, just outdated code that doesn't match wallet2: https://github.com/mymonero/mymonero-core-cpp/pull/35 14:05:26 "this is the most interesting one..." <- Interesting indeed. I have some old k-means models code in R. I will try repurpose / running on some transactions and see if I can provide any useful info. 14:05:27 Haven't really dug into monero tx structure but looking forward to try and break stuff. 16:42:38 on the topic of rpc vs lws, the rpc system is a functional subset of the lws API afaik 16:42:50 meaning an rpc server can be implemented as backed by a lws scanner 16:43:31 which, shortly before i decided i had to leave mymonero, i implemented here, mostly as something that would be very easily marketable to exchanges who're already coding to the RPC api 16:43:33 https://github.com/mymonero/mymonero-rpc-server/tree/master/src 16:44:01 what i dont like about the rpc server as i recall is that it holds a wallet open - suppose some code forgets to match an open call with a close call or say the consumer crashes and can't close the wallet,.. that'd be somewhat bad 16:44:18 of course there are ways to resolve that. you could put some sort of challenge token on each call 16:45:29 i've developed a more privacy preserving authentication system for my own systems that i'll be sharing hopefully soon, probably not a bad time to mention it here, which is pretty straightforward.. it's just an interactive process where a server gives a client an ephemeral, fairly random token that the client must sign with its spend key 16:45:41 yeah current wallet-rpc is pretty braindead 16:45:59 the problem is using http-based RPC in the first place, since HTTP is inherently a stateless protocol 16:46:14 i notice that mymonero says the system was never implemented but i suspect it's being sold 16:46:24 it should use an inherently stateful session-oriented protocol 16:46:27 yeah i hear you hyc 16:46:57 a wallet client should open a connection and use it for the duration, then when the connection closes all of that session is disposed of 16:47:15 overall the lws API itself can take some significant improvements which we also designed way back when but somehow they never got rolled out 16:47:28 including a websocket API which has implicit sessions 16:47:42 the websocket client is shown in that repo linked above 16:47:54 so, i'm definitely going to be bringing that back 16:47:56 when the time comes.. 16:48:16 reeemuru[m]: i'm curious about what you're working on and would be interested to see if it would be beneficial for us to collaborate 16:48:42 I guess there's no reason we can't write a brand new rpc system from the ground up. it's not like wallet-rpc itself is widely used 16:49:06 yeah lots of this stuff just needs a ground up overhaul 16:49:38 and again I'd model it after LDAP protocol - an explicit login op to start a session, one session per connection, one connection per session 16:49:46 my C++ developer team mate who's going to be introducing a CCS proposal for some wallet2 pure function factors with me got covid so we're slightly delayed on that 16:50:20 but i think the factoring would be a big help in the direction of just overhauling all this stuff 16:50:31 there's no reason e.g. monero-lws should be implementing its own scanning code afaik 16:50:39 indeed 16:50:50 nor any reason, as Justin is seeing, for the lws client to implement its own tx creation entrypoints 16:50:58 all that serialization and data structures can be shared 16:52:07 yeah that's prime code-reuse stuff there 16:57:53 "reeemuru: i'm curious about what..." <- endogenic: i'm spending most of my time [here](https://github.com/hyahatiph-labs/infosec) and monero codebase. trying to learn as much as i can 16:59:45 looks cool 16:59:54 overlaps with my work somewhat 17:02:29 hah those are cool 17:02:35 oops mistell 17:07:23 for the rpc would it possible to have the request wrapped in an asynchronous thread which also wraps `open_wallet` and `close_wallet` around every `method`. (Would need to send username and password on each request?) Maybe use a new field in the json request context to extend the existing logic for these new requests. As far as syncing clients could call `refresh` at a threshold of blocks behind in background task or scheduler. 17:07:23 Just tossing ideas out. 17:07:59 I still need to look through the rpc code though 17:08:31 that would really suck since the entire wallet cache needs to be decrypted on each open 17:09:22 in the past we've discussed perf problems for monero wallets at busy exchanges 17:09:33 their wallet caches are huge 17:10:29 the biggest improvement in that case would be rewriting the wallet code to store state incrementally in LMDB, instead of slurping it all up at open time and writing it all out at save/close time 17:11:30 I finished implementing the DB encryption hooks in LMDB, for the wallet to use. but nobody has taken up the task of rewriting the wallet to use LMDB 18:43:24 hyc, about this statement of yours some hours ago: "I guess there's no reason we can't write a brand new rpc system from the ground up. it's not like wallet-rpc itself is widely used" 18:43:54 This assessment surprises me a little. I would have guessed that by now the RPC interface is "entrechend" in tons of places 18:44:19 Mostly where anything has to run in an automated way, means most exchanges 18:45:30 Or for most if not all those shopping system plugins 19:29:08 I suppose. but as I already mentioned, the existing wallet code sucks for exchanges 19:29:17 it needs an overhaul anyway 19:30:55 ... and not to speak about my personal favorite subject right now, the coming of Seraphis, which again needs plenty of overhauls as it seems 19:34:11 I see scenarious to arrive at a Seraphis wallet that don't look crazy or dumb already at first glance that would lead to moving wallet2 out of the way and start afresh on a green field 19:35:47 wallet2_and_a_half? 19:35:50 jberman[m]: ^ 19:35:57 shout out 19:38:04 Well, we need at least wallet4, because there is already wallet3: tewinget is very busy with a full wallet rewrite over at Oxen 19:38:06 https://github.com/oxen-io/oxen-core/pull/1490 19:38:27 With a wallet cache as a Sqlite database. Take that, hyc :) 19:38:50 i think by that standard we're already on like wallet9 or something lol 19:40:55 (thanks to selsta for that link, was interesting to see what they are up to) 19:43:22 like this? 19:43:23 https://github.com/oxen-io/oxen-core/blob/ecb62e8faba07a7ec003435890d8053ef6088aad/src/wallet3/wallet2%C2%BD.cpp 19:43:49 looks pretty good though 19:43:55 not that i have really looked at it in any detail 19:44:03 but it makes one wonder why tewinget didn't stick with monero 19:44:12 hmmmm 19:44:50 i dont understand proof of stake though 19:50:20 " but it makes one wonder why tewinget didn't stick with monero": gras, other side, greener :) 19:51:11 pretty sure he got quite a lot of dough from his ccs proposal though, in case you didn't know 19:51:19 i mean ffs proposal 19:55:41 Yeah, and why not. If they are doing good work for good currency. Which they do I would guess as they are still active member of the dev team. 20:00:29 tewinget? hasn't been active on monero in ages 20:00:38 and using sqlite for a wallet? blech 20:10:02 Yes, that's the point, as far as I know tewinget left Monero for Loki, now Oxen, years ago already and is working there probably on pay 20:11:48 Yes, sqlite complete with triggers to cover some consistency requirements :) 20:11:49 https://github.com/oxen-io/oxen-core/blob/ecb62e8faba07a7ec003435890d8053ef6088aad/src/wallet3/db_schema.cpp 20:13:31 (Not that I recommend that, just for entertainment, as we don't seem to disturb too much research here right now :) 20:14:07 that's not my point 20:14:17 (your subsequent reply) 20:14:30 if he was getting $$ here then why on earth did he have the reaction he did 20:14:38 makes you wonder 20:14:46 it's not an isolated incident 20:15:05 it's sad, anyway 20:15:23 but PoS tho lol wut 20:18:32 endogenic: Loki did lot of presale/mine and made good money to fund devs 20:18:32 Also mindset’s change, so who knows what triggered the move 20:18:46 i'm sure some people know 20:25:09 Any idea if dr. Sarang will ever join mrl again ? or Cypherstack? 20:26:23 yep 20:26:48 thank you for asking, though 20:27:25 endogenic: More bright minds the better 20:27:33 i'm just wondering though, what is it about monero that causes highly devoted people's sentiments to turn bitter or harsh? 20:27:43 yes that's true 20:29:19 endogenic: Community driven projects will have different views imho, hopefully individuals researchers/devs look above it 20:29:49 I dont think that was ever an issue for anyone used to publicly visible and critiqueable work 20:29:51 something else is going on 20:30:17 we probably have to start with the assumption that whatever it is, is not fully visible right now 20:30:47 for example, why would someone feel more safe working on a different project? 20:30:51 it's not just the money 20:32:32 in any case, regardless, i think we could do better for our contributors 20:33:10 i remember people used to debate whether or not to fund the Noethers loil 20:33:12 lol 20:33:20 can you imagine? after some of these other CCS proposals are getting easily funded now 20:33:26 endogenic: Maybe, keeping them anonymous would be better 20:33:38 there really were people who used to quibble over whether we should fund the Noethers 20:33:44 if they were even real 20:34:00 yes nikg83[m] that is one aspect 20:34:05 endogenic: That was absurd indeed 20:34:06 but it has downsides 20:34:40 knowing these people for who they really are we see how absurd it is that we would ever do anything other than rally virtually our entire community around supporting them 20:34:41 There are always people. Everywhere. People doing, writing, saying dumb things. Just look at Monero's subreddit. They don't have to be our reference. 20:35:00 they're not our reference, but i dont understand why you're apologizing for them 20:35:27 The world is like it is. Not a apology for anything. 20:35:35 the world doesnt have to be like it is 20:35:50 it wasnt always like this here either 20:36:17 i'm doing what i can but am a bit behind, so i dont have my solutions to show for it yet. guess i should get back to it :) 20:36:53 If you have work that gives you pleasure, by all means continue. 20:37:08 lol 20:37:16 ^ my coping mechanism 20:37:27 Yeah, mine as well. 20:37:36 endogenic: why don't we ask the people that left to come and tell us what we can do to improve. 20:37:43 we know what we can do 20:37:45 i've also suggested it 20:37:51 but it may take a specific person to do it 20:37:53 so i am working on it 20:38:46 midipoet: from what i saw the people that left, wanted to leave, but never really openly explained to the community the reason. the only person that was really open about wanting to leave was surae 20:39:05 maybe i missed the convos, but that is how i saw it. 20:39:08 well if i have my hand on a hot stove then i would *want* to pull it away 20:39:19 bad example maybe 20:39:23 how about something my hand is supposed to actually be on 20:39:26 but which malfunctions 20:39:29 endogenic: yeah, that's a great metaphor, but explains jack 20:39:34 no it's not a great metaphor 20:39:40 i would rather actually hear it from a person 20:39:45 oh i'm not a person now lol 20:39:49 i saw it with my own eyes 20:39:53 i mean, there are the mediums for this sort of talk 20:39:54 and i'm telling you what i saw 20:39:57 you're right 20:40:02 monerotalk, community talks, reddit threads. 20:40:05 idk why you pinged me 20:40:07 they can teach us 20:40:12 otherwise we are just guessing 20:40:14 no we're not 20:40:17 stop lying lol 20:40:22 lying includes saying what you dont know as if you do 20:40:24 or listening to your preaching (just as bad) 20:40:25 i should go 20:40:33 indeed 20:41:16 "if they were even real" <- Judging by what happened with the monero telegram channel, I think there are a lot of people getting paid to derail the convo.... (full message at https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/libera.chat/0d1788abff90b42410943b56b48a4836013c4703) 20:41:24 right? 20:41:32 people dont even have to be paid 20:42:13 > The first few days was non stop Nazi Jew spam < really? 20:42:54 it doesn't have to be feds. could be rival projects trying to discredit the network. 20:43:22 or even just individuals trying to discredit the network. it doesn't take much to be shit spreader. 20:45:16 midipoet: It was *a lot*. 20:45:16 And real people that would argue for hours 20:45:16 Ive personally argues with pirate chain ppl, who clearly show up to start shit 20:47:19 w[m]: like, i have sort of just realised that cryptocurrency is adversarial in general. everybody is thinking they are playing a zerosum game, with the winner measured by price. it's easier (and more advantageous) to talk shit about another project, than to try and foster friendships/connections. i mean, we do it as well for most of the transparent networks 20:51:41 It is kind of zero sum for specific use cases 20:51:42 IMO 20:51:45 endogenic: check out @hyc's idea of a background sync cache here: https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/8082 20:51:47 it doesnt matter who it is. anyone who disrupts the activists within the community who are trying to wake it up to how it must evolve is doing it a disservice .. and we can't just go on forever saying that the people who left were weaklings or had personality disorders 20:51:52 Like z-cash vs monero 20:52:01 jberman[m]: ty 20:52:01 And check out my comment here, suggesting that it be implemented virtually identically to the lws scanner in an attempt to avoid leaks to 3rd party remote nodes: https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/8082#issuecomment-1007921314 20:52:10 I think view only wallet scanning could be implemented like that as well 20:52:22 So in reality, I think the best path on that idea lands us with an lws scanner inside the code base anyway 20:52:31 I don't think it would be a huge challenge to wrap a light wallet API around that background sync cache, where the consumer of that API uses it to sync upon re-visiting, same as a light wallet client 20:52:41 Unless there is objection to that comment I made, and it should really just be coded assuming honest nodes 20:52:46 ah bloom filter rears its head again 20:52:57 vtnerd had that idea in the past iirc.. maybe 4-5 yrs ago 20:53:10 endogenic: > we can't just go on forever saying that the people who left were weaklings or had personality disorders < when have people said this???? 20:53:51 i'm sorry but social cooling is now in effect 20:53:56 please return to your quarters 20:54:15 i think we should take this to another chan in any case