12:27:14 <sethforprivacy> > <@dangerousfreedom:matrix.org> Hello guys,... (full message at https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/libera.chat/32c64ca0d43a58e41ed4b7bd28ee215725508d6f) 12:27:43 <sethforprivacy> So glad to see excellent contributors like yourself diving in, proving your work, and getting compensated by voluntary donations! So vital to have a tool like this, and your explanations of the technical way these things are accomplished on the site are incredible. 22:25:24 <dangerousfreedom> <sethforprivacy> "> <@sethforprivacy:matrix...." <- Thank you very much for the comment, donation and for letting a public node available. I'm using it all the time! 22:25:25 <dangerousfreedom> The website is still not ready (there are still many things to improve) yet but yeah, if you feel sharing, do it ;) 22:26:38 <reeemuru[m]> dangerousfreedom i was actually trying to learn some cryptography stuff lately. mostly going through coinstudent2048 ecc tutorials and porting to typescript is helping. do you have tutorials too? great work on the site btw 22:29:01 <dangerousfreedom> Hey reeemuru . I don't have tutorials. I tried to explain the theory from a practical point of view and then I created codes to verify the tx. I just saw your proposal and I think you can use my scripts for checking ring signatures and commitments. I also wanted to ask you if you are planning to explain the mining part? I don't understand at all what is happening with RandomX and would be interesting if you could create 22:29:01 <dangerousfreedom> nice tutorials and scripts about it. 22:29:42 <reeemuru[m]> got it thanks. i didnt add anything for mining. i will add it to the list 22:29:45 <reeemuru[m]> im still learning about how everything works as well