03:29:50 dangerousfreedom, so i know this may be impossible, but if the goal is for the stuff to be for complete laymen, when you start talking in math it gets ..... hard. 03:30:26 and like, i can't even copy the section . it has the words "Let's consider two random values ( and ) and a set of random values for and . " 03:30:54 in generating mlsag signature. and again, it may be impossible to talk about math without talking in math. but ... 03:32:09 like my response to "As you noticed, " is "uuuh sure. i totally noticed that, uh huh" 04:47:17 I will be away for 2 weeks and probably won't be able to install Element on my laptop properly. You can ping me on GitHub if there's need. 04:48:40 mj-xmr[m]: thanks for the heads up 14:29:43 "dangerousfreedom, so i know this..." <- Well, there are two goals for every section.... (full message at https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/libera.chat/4d709048257fdeed23e680eb3eb80322c2ac480c) 14:31:46 But yeah, I am still far from providing a good material that will definitely convince everybody. I still have to improve a lot how I convey this information. For the moment I am trying to convince myself first, I would say. I havent finished building my tools to scan the whole blockchain. 14:34:12 I big problem that I foresee is the "breaking down a transaction". Right now the presentation sucks. Although I am happy to have built the structure behind it to prove that the transactions are fine for v1 until RCTTypeSimple, I don't really know the best way to show it to everyone. 14:36:26 I will think about these problems towards the end of the project, when I have built all my tools and scanned the whole blockchain. By now, it is still a draft but every comment makes it better, so thank you gingeropolous 14:54:01 I personally think that almost nobody will scan the blockchain with the tools that I am providing to check if all txs are doing what they are supposed to do. But if I can show, in some didactic way, with figures, animations, javascript, react, or whatever that one transaction from each type, hides the amounts and at the same time does not generate inflation, then the person would think: "aha, if this random transaction is 14:54:01 not generating inflation, and I understand why, then all the transaction are not generating either". I think this would be the best case scenario for the website. This would be my goal towards the end of the project. 19:20:17 MoneroKon call for submissions closes Sunday May 1st 13:00 UTC: 19:20:17 https://cryptpad.disroot.org/form/#/2/form/view/XjZ+CzyCHNsODCdJGRKeMGeCPTc30qeROMBbZaSSnrI/embed/ 19:20:26 It's now or never.