04:24:06 regarding the ecosystem having input ... someone commented "the ship has sailed".. i feel that there has been ample time. It's not like this is done in the quiet. If people in the ecosystem want to know whats happening, they know where to tune in. I'd hope there's a dude with some title like "Senior Technology Specialist" that just idles in here 04:26:05 but even the design that hits testnet doesn't have to be the final design 06:27:54 gingeropolous "I'd hope there's a dude with some title like "Senior Technology Specialist" that just idles in here" have you heard of FTX, ahahaha 06:51:19 UkoeHB is implementing code for over a year now, and reporting almost weekly about progress in fully open MRL meetings here 06:51:45 Even somebody who is not a "Senior Technology Specialist" could put 1 and 1 together and notice something coming 06:52:36 But how is that saying that you can lead a horse to water but can't get it to drink if it doesn't want? 06:53:20 Observer breaks it down even more 13:22:14 random reminder that if you're doing R&D for monero and wanna copy data.mdb in 1m44.929s or compile monero in 3m0.896s, you can use the monero research computing resource. contact me somehow. 13:26:40 "compile monero in 3m0.896s" holy smokes 14:12:04 I need to check how fast my 7950X compiles monero. I think it's less than 3 minutes because the whole reproducible build takes 22 minutes on that system :P 16:54:34 It would probably be 2x faster if you could parallelize wallet2 16:58:31 From the "shit happens" department: Yet again a new room for the Seraphis wallet workgroup: https://matrix.to/#/#no-wallet-left-behind:monero.social 16:58:45 Explained a bit here: https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/758 20:43:08 Question, any active research right now that I can pick up on (Read currently, maybe join a bit later if it interests anyone)? Also, is the repo a good resource on just general stuff for specifics? I'd like some general directions - zk interests me more and more as time goes it seems 20:55:31 ghostway: Welcome! It really depends on your research areas. What do you know? Cryptography, graph theory, statistics....? 20:56:54 All of them, just the basics. I can learn all of them as I go - I don't do research as of yet... 20:57:28 * of yet... So I wouldn't be of help much at the start unless some pure thinking time is needed to fill holes 20:58:35 * the basics, though. I, * of yet... So I wouldn't be of help much at the start unless some pure thinking time is needed to fill holes 21:02:38 ghostway: A list of open research questions: https://github.com/monero-project/research-lab/issues/94 21:03:02 Monero-related research papers: https://moneroresearch.info/ 21:03:28 The two major research projects now are Seraphis/Jamtis and OSPEAD 21:03:50 Seraphis paper: https://github.com/UkoeHB/Seraphis 21:03:51 Thanks! Another way to say that I won't be helpful currently heh, I'll try to learn more about stuff and maybe help 21:04:13 OSPEAD: https://github.com/monero-project/research-lab/issues/93