11:48:50 Rucknium[m]: graphsense.info 11:49:24 https://github.com/graphsense 13:25:31 midipoet: Thanks. Looks like they use BlockSci under the hood plus their own techniques. 17:03:08 I'm thinking seraphis should be split into two 'professional' papers. 1. the seraphis abstraction + efficiency estimates (appendices: squashed enote model, composition proof, grootle proof [the security proof for this one can be trivially copied from the lelantus-spark paper with minor adjustments]). 2. the jamtis address scheme with justified design decisions and the seraphis knowledge proof framework that ties in 17:03:08 https://github.com/seraphis-migration/wallet3/issues/42#issuecomment-1377887717 (tevador's gist is a design spec but isn't the right place to attempt a security model or to lay out design justifications). Right now the seraphis paper has 'implementation comments' - I think most of the hypothetical stuff can delegated to footnotes of the jamtis paper. 17:06:02 We can even add the seraphis matrix proof as a footnote of the jamtis paper, which will satisfy a lot of people I expect. This guy (needed for multisig and for knowledge proofs): https://github.com/UkoeHB/monero/blob/seraphis_lib/src/seraphis_crypto/matrix_proof.h 17:06:10 appendix not footnote* 17:07:01 I will get those two papers into a good state that can be handed off to a proper math guy for security proofing. 17:08:08 Maybe done by April? My how this continues to take way longer than I expect. 17:55:03 As a non-cryptographer, that sounds good to me. Diego Salazar , what do you think of koe's plan?