13:45:58 Is there a tool, online or offline, that allows me to input a stealth address, and the tool lists all the transactions that the stealth address was used as a ring member in? I thought that any Monero blockchain explorer would be capable of doing this, but apparently not.... (full message at ) 13:47:47 "Stealth address ?" 13:48:07 Rings refer to outputs. Addresses do not appear (explicitely or implicitely) on the chain. 13:48:40 If you mean you want to find outputs which get used (you do not see which address an output got to), then monero-wallet-cli does this for your own outputs if track-uses is set. 14:03:27 mnrrn[m]: it's not a tool that should be in wallets, since it requires a very heavy blockchain scan to build the table; it might get built eventually for unspent proofs 14:57:17 mnrrn: pokkst's scanner probably still works. You should try it. The GitHub repo is "unmaintained" since pokkst wants people to use i2p. 14:58:08 neptune has a full database solution here, but it might not work anymore: https://github.com/neptuneresearch/ring-membership-sql 14:59:51 It is fine as an educational tool, but users should probably not modify their behavior based on the decoy scanner: https://libera.monerologs.net/monero-research-lab/20220817#c137448 15:08:53 "mnrrn: pokkst's scanner probably..." <- Last I checked, the i2p-hosted repo had not received any additional updates 15:09:26 There's also this: https://github.com/moneroexamples/generic-xmr-scanner