15:01:29 Meeting 2hr 17:03:57 UkoeHB: Meeting time :) 17:04:12 Greetings 17:04:30 hi 17:07:27 I guess I will be temporary meeting chair 17:07:27 Updates, what is everyone working on? 17:07:57 Thanks Rucknium. 17:07:57 meeting agenda: 17:07:57 https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/830 17:08:29 Not much Mordinal activity. By my count, only two Mordinals have been minted in the last week. Zero Mordinal transfer txs in the last week: https://gist.github.com/Rucknium/67cc9efdf7e43a40c52417611b322d43 17:09:56 A seat has opened on the MAGIC Monero Fund committee. The committee has power to disburse about 300 XMR from its general fund for research and development projects: https://magicgrants.org/Special-Election-for-MAGIC-Monero-Fund-MajesticBank/ 17:10:07 Apply to run if you are interested 17:10:11 ive just been testing / running jeffros coincase segregation pr: 17:10:11 https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/8815 17:11:57 I'm reviewing some proposed research of Overseer/EAE/EABE attack / churning. Does anyone have thoughts on what this type of research should cover? In other words, a formalization and what sort of aspects should not be simplified out of the problem? 17:13:16 Diego Salazar: Any updates about the BP++ paper now that there is the new version with math proofs? 17:14:13 DiegoSalazar[m] ^ should ping 17:14:26 just a note on churning, datahoarder / p2pool has some tools to find likely owned inputs consolidations on p2pool.observer 17:14:27 oh yah hi 17:14:48 for last likely ones https://p2pool.observer/sweeps 17:14:48 plowsof @plowsof:matrix.org: pinging 17:14:50 we'll have an hour estimate to you guys this week 17:14:57 you can lookup any transaction via https://p2pool.observer/transaction-lookup 17:15:26 Thank you DataHoarder: 17:15:39 I can provide data if desired, it's mostly flagging very certain ones but this could be expanded once I have more time 17:15:52 Thanks Diego Salazar ! 17:16:10 DataHoarder: Thanks. Do you have payout address data from the p2pool sidechains from the beginning? Or only recently? 17:16:52 for main p2pool, from early on but not beggining. for mini, since the beggining. older ones could be backfilled theoretically, using this same data. 17:17:19 some empty spots exist in between but same, can be filled with some heuristics. otherwise it's almost all the block data 17:18:06 23528 blocks on main vs p2pool.io reported 23779 for main 17:18:26 Thanks. I think tests or classifications could be formalized. Would take some effort to do so. 17:18:48 1763 blocks for mini vs 1763 on p2pool.io 17:19:00 + the old pre-fork chains that keep generating blocks 17:20:12 formalized test/classification would be great, also looking into doing backwards looks to what is the most likely of spends for a given output given all existing decoys - fine tune as it finds new data. Ping me if you want more info around this, also reachable on #p2pool-log (to not hog this meeting) 17:21:03 as of this second, my peer lists public rpc nodes consist of 232 nodes not on v18.2.2 and 208 that have updated.. its about 50% for me personally 17:21:30 plowsof: Do you know that because you are sending test Mordinals? 17:22:10 i send a bogus transaction, and the error returned contains the new field 'tx extra to big' 17:22:41 attempt to broadcast a bogus raw tx* 17:23:40 Almost 50% is pretty good. Of course, it could be selection bias from your network neighbors 17:23:56 Can you test on mining pool nodes? 17:26:14 would be better yes ^ data={"tx_as_hex": "did_you_update_lol"} , r = requests.post("http://node.monerodevs.org:18089/sendrawtransaction", json=data, timeout=10),if "tx_extra_too_big" in r.json(): 17:26:31 would need the pools rpc addresses. 17:26:32 some have been collected, and some are publicly available. 17:26:32 hashvaults is even unrestricted 👀. 17:26:32 should be possibke to check a few of the big ones 17:27:46 I guess there is no guarantee that their public RPC node is the same version as their node they use to construct the blocks sent to client miners. 17:29:53 Likely a second node(s),like cake has many to load balance 17:29:54 http://nodes.hashvault.pro:18081/get_info 17:29:54 unrestricted though 17:30:15 I guess they can update and fix config in the same email 17:32:27 > <@ofrnxmr:monero.social> Likely a second node(s),like cake has many to load balance 17:32:27 > http://nodes.hashvault.pro:18081/get_info 17:32:27 > unrestricted though 17:32:27 I see a `"restricted": true,` and the version number is missing 🤔 17:32:48 Perhaps you're resolving to a different ip though, and that one is misconfigured? 17:33:15 plowsof just said the same. Definitely a geolocation thing 17:35:27 Anything else to discuss? 17:36:00 * ofrnxmr[m] uploaded an image: (114KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/monero.social/TSdQeaItypHHRgmWULAblwmW/fie1kq69ya7a3mhj.jpg > 17:36:33 Tevador opened a pr for randomx.. seems like it helps with wowneros recent chainsplit behavior 17:37:17 ofrnxmr: Do you know much about the wownero chainsplit? Why did it happen? 17:37:41 Hard fork split on spril 1 17:38:05 Chains diverged by 30+- blocks for the first few days 17:38:36 a few weeks in, nkdes were getting foked off onto a second chain 17:38:54 At one point they were 25 and 18 mh 17:39:24 Therr is still at least 2 chains mining, and at the sme hight 17:39:44 Both using the post-hardfork consensus rules? 17:40:44 i think wow may have messed up the hard fork (11.0 vs 11.0.1) 17:40:58 ofrnxmr[m]: See what ip address you get with dig or nslookup for that domain 17:41:25 But yeah, the old chain is using new consensus rules, but i think they updated late 17:41:27 The split* chains 17:42:45 Before i forget to link it, tevadors pr: 17:42:45 https://github.com/tevador/RandomX/pull/265 17:46:00 Ok. I don't fully understand what's happened. I hope Wownero community/devs can write a post-mortem when the problem is fixed. 17:47:36 Anything else? 17:48:14 ah fell asleep sorry, update is finishing up my 'implementing seraphis' companion paper 17:48:32 Thats all from me. 17:48:32 Thanks Ruck (and koe :P) 17:50:58 thanks Rucknium[m]