01:18:00 Cant we reject and 0 input tx that isnt a coinbase? 01:20:01 With new decoy model (if by consensus) you wouldnt be able to relay a tx like that 01:22:43 ofrnxmr[m]: Ignorelol 02:42:44 It is nice to see that you guys are brainstorming possible ways to restrict the ability to inject arbitrary data into transactions. Much Respect๐Ÿ‘๏ธ 06:21:31 there are currently almost 250,000 unique tokens created on Ethereum. and has continued to rise since then. In addition, since Ethereum has created its own token and many projects and other tokens have been migrated to Ethereum, the market capitalization of Ether has also been greatly increased. Therefore, the market capitalization of Ether , and continues to increase. 06:21:31 I think that if a lot of projects start to be built on Monaro it will help a lot both for the anonymity of the Christian tokens and will help the network grow a lot 06:35:03 Once a token is created on Monero and it is transferred within the network itself there is no problem of privacy. Compared to tokens and other coins that are transferred to the Monero network, you can see their action inside the specified block and you can track them down, this is why I think that in the future many tokens will move to the Monero network and this is a very important focus for growing the network 07:17:49 "Once a token is created on Monero and it is transferred within the network itself there is no problem of privacy" False until you prove otherwise. Preferably with peer-reviewed papers. 07:24:51 Because the only example we have so far are mordinals, and they DO hurt privacy 12:00:27 isn't the entire point of tokens to be public and transparent? 12:01:08 why would anyone want an opaque token? 14:05:29 That's what Tari is (partly) meant to do AFAIK. You have a ticket for some event. It's private, but you can prove to the venue you have one. 15:02:08 Meeting 2hr 17:00:14 meeting time https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/834 17:00:14 1. greetings 17:00:14 hello 17:00:17 hi 17:00:58 Hi 17:03:29 I think the bridge is awake now. 17:03:59 low attendance today, will be a short meeting 17:04:06 2. updates? 17:04:40 me: attended monerotopia 17:05:17 I presented "A Statistical Research Agenda for Monero" at Monerotopia. 17:05:17 Here are the slides: https://github.com/Rucknium/presentations/blob/main/Rucknium-Monerotopia-2023-Slides.pdf 17:05:34 If you want to hear a decent but unenthusiastic synthesized voice: https://vimeo.com/824376532 17:05:34 The video presentation doesn't add a whole lot compared to just reading the slides. 17:05:54 mention tx_extra again lol 17:05:54 or maybe I shouldn't have said even that 17:06:14 Maybe I should have titled it "Trustless zk-SNARKs aren't battle-tested + A Statistical Research Agenda for Monero" 17:07:54 I didn't get as much done on bp++ as I would've hoped :/ 17:08:29 one problem I have is Ive promised too many things, I think, as Im now getting pressured to do LWS stuff for a small fee (pushing back hard on this at the moment) 17:09:36 but I'll try to wrap my head around this yet, whats intriguing is the c and rust implementation of bp++ appear to do variable bases, not sure why they didnt fix them to one 17:10:06 thanks guys 17:10:11 3. discussion 17:10:22 I have no topic to discuss 17:11:42 I guess no one does then 17:12:06 I have been considering compdec 's (Nathan Borggren) research proposal about EAE-like attacks posted earlier this week in this channel. Borggren already co-authored two short papers about Monero's potential privacy problems: 17:12:11 Borggren & Yao (2020) "Correlations of multi-input Monero transactions." 17:12:11 Borggren, Kim, Yao, & Koplik (2020). "Simulated blockchains for machine learning traceability and transaction values in the Monero network." 17:12:29 hello, sorry I'm late 17:13:14 I am not familiar at all with one of the main techniques (Topological Data Analysis) proposed in the proposal. That limits the feedback and analysis I can give. 17:13:41 Overall, it looks like a strong proposal. 17:16:28 Some feedback: 17:17:45 1) We need clear straight lines connecting the methodologies to an attacker's objective: determining the false positive and false negative rate of guessing in an EAE-like attack. 17:17:58 2) Using transaction uniformity defects would be useful, but may be a distraction from the main research question. 17:17:59 3) Doing a testnet set of transactions probably will be harder and just as useful as simulating simple data directly with Python, R, or something like that. 17:18:09 The Matrix-IRC bridge maintenance was supposed to be finished by now. 17:18:57 In case contact is lost: https://libera.monerologs.net/monero-research-lab 17:19:51 thanks Rucknium[m] 17:24:50 if that is all, we can call it for today 17:29:03 thanks for attending guys 18:50:52 EAE has nothing to do with PoW/PoS. I suspect an automaton. 19:10:15 Glowie or bot detected. Maybe chatGPT managed to break out of its cage and come here lol 19:41:50 obviously a bot, was painful to read from the beginning. Banhammer 19:47:15 ืœื™ืื ื•ื–ืืŸ: please refrain from irrelevant comments, this room is dedicated to research talk. For more random "shower thoughts", please head to Monero Research Lounge (and doing some homework before mashing random ideas together)