03:25:20 does Ed25519 as used in Monero inherit the arithmetic capabilities that are possible with Schnorr signatures? 03:30:08 yes, Ed25519 can do Schnorr sigs if that's what you're asking 03:30:13 ed25519 is an elliptic curve, it does not inherit anything. If your question is 'can Schnorr signatures be implemented in ed25519', then yes. 03:52:48 right, I should have said EdDSA, not Ed25519. so the current signature scheme's capabilities in terms of stuff like adding up two public keys into a new one (which is possible with Schnorr) 04:08:20 can you restate the question? I don't follow 22:21:48 sure. the Schnorr signature algorithm allows for certain arithmetic combination of multiple public keys or signatures. I was made aware of this by Andrew Poelstra's work on scriptless scripts (https://github.com/BlockstreamResearch/scriptless-scripts/blob/master/md/atomic-swap.md). as the name implies, it's a method of employing more complex logic without new opcodes. since EdDSA is a variant of the Schnorr sig algo, I wondered if 22:21:49 this feature carries over to EdDSA, and thus Monero. if it does, it's one avenue by which an L2 can be constructed without adding scripting. 22:43:54 yep, it carries over to eddsa